Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

    For several months in a row, there were only refugees running from north to south, and it was rare to see refugees going from south to north.

    When Lin You returned to the north this time, he was once again shocked by the tragic situation in the world.

    They walked all the way, but they didn't see many living people, only empty villages. When they opened the dilapidated doors, the houses were full of cobwebs and dust. The land seemed to be "dead".

    The dry and barren fields, the dilapidated houses, and the occasional dead bones on the road, it seems that this is not the world, but hell.

    It is not that the imperial court did not send people to suppress disasters, but such natural disasters are obviously beyond human power.

    What's more, the north can't be saved, but the south is not enjoying peace through singing and dancing. Countless local tyrants rose up to rebel against the imperial court.

    The imperial court is too busy to take care of itself, how can it manage the north?

    Lin You thought of his father, the prefect of Anyang City, who had been working hard every day since the influx of refugees. The refugees were poor, but they could only let in a small half of the city. He watched countless refugees guard the city gate and starve to death.

    Refugees cannot be released, how can they be raised after they are released?

    With so many people, how much food and troops are needed?

    Anyang City doesn't have that much food! Not so many soldiers! Let refugees into the city, more people will die.

    Lin You didn't dare to recall that scene, nor what his father said.

    He still remembers asking his father why he didn't let the refugees into the city, it was a living life! There are men and women, old and young, they trekked long distances, lost countless lives and endured so much suffering, before they finally came to Anyang City, where they thought they could live and start a new life.

    But his father just let him kneel, and he knelt for a whole day, his legs were numb as if they were no longer his own.

    Only then did his father say to him: "Your father is not a god and Buddha, and he can't save everyone!" "

    I ask you, let them come in, and then what?"

    "How to feed them? If you don't feed them, how can they live? Either rob or steal If they want to live, the people in the city must live!"

    "Even if I spend all my wealth, how many people can I save?"

    Lin You was not angry at the time, thinking it was his father's evasion, so he stood by and watched in order not to cause trouble: "How many people in the city , Which family doesn’t have food? The food they store can save tens of thousands of people! Their food and family property are taken from the people, shouldn’t they be used for the people?!” The father only looked at him with the eyes of a

    fool : "Will they be willing to send out food? Even if they are willing to give it out after ten thousand steps, the food will be enough for a few days

    ? After eating?" "

    Besides, your father and I have to look at the faces of everyone." The father smiled bitterly, "Do you think I am a prefect? ​​Do you think my words are so effective? I have only been here for a few years, and those people are here. How many years have you stayed in Anyang City?"

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