Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

    On the sofa in the rest area of ​​the supermarket, Lin You was holding a water glass with some trepidation. He looked around, but found that Goldman Sachs had walked to the shelf at some point and was looking at the items on the shelf with a novelty and greedy expression.

    Lin You stood up nervously, walked quickly to Goldman's side, lowered his voice, and said cautiously: "Cousin! Don't walk around carelessly."

    Goldman took down a glass bottle of wine from the container.

    Packed in such a transparent wine bottle, even ordinary wine seems to become extraordinarily noble.

    Goldman Sachs looked at another, and his eyes were bright: "Why didn't you tell me that the fairy still has these things here?"

    Lin You was interrupted by him, and said a little confused: "These are luxury things, there is nothing to mention Yes."

    There are so many pleasures in the cave that people can indulge in for a lifetime, isn't it more proof that the immortals regard money as dung?

    The things here, just take out one is enough to make people eye-opening.

    If a bottle of wine is taken out, some noble literati who are addicted to alcohol will fight to the death, right?

    Lin You: "Cousin, if you want to drink, you won't miss it when you go back."

    Goldman Sachs grabbed Lin You's wrist and shouted at him frantically: "Is the wine important?! It's this kind of wine! Yes! Immortal wine!"

    "If you can bring this kind of wine back and present it to the emperor..."

    "Uncle has been in office for more than 20 years and has been staying in Anyang City, don't you want to go one step closer?" Do you want to be trapped in Anyang for the rest of your life?"

    Lin You blinked slightly. He had never thought about this—according to his thinking, he should study hard, pass the imperial examination to get a good rank, and then start from a lowly official like a poor family. If he is talented, he can become an official If you are a good official, you will definitely be appreciated by the emperor.

    "Lin You..." Goldman Sachs looked at Lin You's stupid appearance, and the excitement and enthusiasm just now dissipated. He said helplessly, "The truth in the book should only be believed when it should be believed, and one word should be believed when it should not be believed." Don't believe it."

    "Don't believe what those humble sons say, you can get promoted every step of the way if you become an official." "

    If it's really that easy, how can there be a family down?" Gao Sheng said, "Don't we children from aristocratic families not compare with those from poor families?" See more, learn more?"

    "I'm afraid you don't know, right? When the country was founded, the emperor wanted to marry the daughter of the first wife among the three surnames, but none of the three surnames agreed, and they looked down on the emperor as a bastard." Gao Sheng smiled and said, "And then? Have you heard of the three surnames? The three surnames used to be very important, but now it is difficult to send their daughters into the palace as

    concubines." You can be called a family." Gao Sheng, "Stories about staying in barren mountains and old forests, waiting for the emperor to invite him in person, are just stories, and the emperor will never lack people who want to work for him." "Only by being close to the emperor, can you contact the imperial power

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