Chapter 124

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Chapter 124

The imperial examination system given by Ye Zhou to Chen Hou was improved by Wu Zetian.

Before Wu Zetian, the Imperial Examinations emphasized Ming Jing and neglected Poetry, and the Ming Jing Ke was unable to compete with the children of the aristocratic family for the children of poor families. Their family conditions were not good and they did not have so much money to buy books. gap.

It wasn't until Wu Zetian improved the imperial examinations and began to elevate the status of the Book of Songs class that this situation began to improve.

Compared with Mingjing, the Book of Songs needs inspiration and talent.

Even if he is a child from a poor family, if he is talented and can write good poems, he can also stand out.

Moreover, Wu Zetian also has the meaning of "referring talents in an eclectic manner". As long as you think you have the ability, then you can go to be an official. If you do a good job, you will be rewarded.

She built a talent pool with the country as the unit. Many important ministers during Li Longji's period were excavated by her.

It was also during her tenure that countless talented poets were born.

It was a very happy thing to be a scholar during Wu Zetian's reign. Even if he couldn't be an official, he could support his family by teaching.

There is also the palace examination. Although Li Shimin had entered the palace during the examination before her, he did not go every time, and it was not systematic. Therefore, historians believe that the system and rules of the palace examination began with Wu Zetian.

So much so that until the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the imperial examination system improved by Wu Zetian was still in use.

Although the stereotyped essay has become the mainstream of the imperial examination, the system has not been changed, because this system is really easy to use.

After a long time and a complete system that has been tested by several dynasties, getting it here is simply a blow to reduce dimensionality. Although it still needs to be changed locally, it is enough to make Chen Guo famous.

Except for the aristocratic family, no one paid attention to Chen Hou's "cruelty" to the aristocratic family. Countless scholars came from all over the world. The scholars who were about to retire because Xiangguo became a fairy and no longer recommended scholars went crazy again. Scholars from other countries People even bring their families and mouths, ready to settle down in Chen country.

Chen Guo, who was little-known and had no sense of presence in the princely kingdoms, suddenly became famous.

However, except for the scholars, the royal families of other countries did not take the imperial examination seriously.

They believe that it is the right way for the family to assist the monarch to rule the world, and the imperial examination is an evil way. Since it is an evil way, there is no need to worry about it.

Except for the scholars and common people, almost everyone was waiting to see Chen Guo's jokes.

But even if everyone was not optimistic about it, and all the aristocratic families in the Chen country were resisting, Chen Hou still unswervingly started the first scientific research.

It's just that this imperial examination is not exactly the same as what Ye Zhou imagined, it can only be said that it has nothing to do with it.

There was no standard examination room for the imperial examination this time, and the invigilators were Zhao Xue and two other scholars recommended by Ye Zhou to Chen Hou. Even the questions asked were all clichéd questions that Chen Hou scratched his head to figure out.

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