Chapter 109

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Chapter 109

    The sun was shining, and Zhang Zilan staggered when he stepped out of the house called the supermarket. He almost fell, but fortunately, the "shopping guide" next to him gave him a hand, so that he had no face to land first.

    The crowd outside the door still didn't disperse. He just went out when he heard the crowd shouting: "Little Lang! What's going on inside? Are there any ghosts?" Zhang

    Zilan knew that this person was joking with him, so he snorted and said nothing Respond carefully, only took the shopping basket from Feng Ling, and shouted to the people under the steps: "The shopkeeper said, don't enter this door if you don't have a lot of money, you are jealous, I can enter, if you want to know How about inside, why don't you go in and have a look."

    After speaking, he carried the shopping basket on his arms and swayed down the steps.

    The onlookers also knew that he was the son of the Zhang family, so they were not angry at his words. After all, it seemed normal for a son of a family to be arrogant and mad.

    Zhang Zilan squeezed out from the crowd and muttered in a low voice: "If I knew it earlier, I would have brought Ashan with me."

    He didn't remember until he finished mumbling—his family didn't allow him to come out, and Ashan stopped other people when he came out this time. servant.

    With so many things, it's not easy to go back over the wall, and there was such a big commotion when he came out, even if his parents were blind and deaf, they should know after so long.

    Zhang Zilan sighed, looked at the wine bottles in the basket, and felt that he would not be beaten if he brought so many things home.

    Even if he gets beaten, he shouldn't be unable to land tomorrow.

    He was carrying a basket of wine, and he was about to take a rest after walking a few steps, and it was not easy to reach the front of his house, so he put the basket on the ground, and shouted at the door: "Uncle Li! Open the door! Your son is back !”

    After shouting, Zhang Zilan sat down on the steps, and he took another look at the basket.

    In addition to wine, he also bought some things he had never seen before, such as luminous beads - the shopping guide said that as long as the luminous beads are placed in the sun during the day, they will glow by themselves at night, faintly fluorescent, although they cannot illuminate the room Like daytime, but with a different flavor.

    He will buy almost whatever the shopping guide recommends.

    Just in case his parents scolded him, he bought a "workbook" and a pen holding his nose.

    What Zhang Zilan hated the most in his life was reading and engraving. As a child of an aristocratic family, he could slack off in everything except reading. His hands were injured many times since he was a child because of engraving on bamboo slips and wooden boards, and there were often small wounds.

    Besides, regardless of bamboo slips or wooden boards, you need to work hard to carve characters. His two fingers that often carve characters are callused, and even deformed. Group jade and so on must be matched.

    Both men and women admire beauty, and the advocacy of beauty is varied.

    What Zhang Zilan advocates is the beauty of frailty, the body should not be thick and thick, but should be slender, the skin should be white, must not be tanned, and the posture of walking should be beautiful.

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