Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

When you come, you will be alone, and when you leave, you will return with a rewarding experience.

With the bundled bundle on the horse's back, Zheng Ge stood in the sun, the haze was gone, and he felt his whole body was full of strength.

Without a carriage, Lin You could only ride a horse. He no longer coughed, and seemed to be recovering.

Before leaving, Zhao Er rode on horseback and looked back at the supermarket like a mother's child.

"Let's go." Brother Zheng raised his whip.

The horse is also doing well these days, its fur is smooth and shiny, and it looks even more handsome than before.

Brother Zheng flicked his whip, and with a sound through the air, the horse stood up, neighed long and galloped forward.

Lin You bumped on the horseback, he smiled wryly and looked ahead, now his ass will suffer again, it is estimated that when he leaves the south, he will have difficulty even walking.

"Immortal, they're leaving." Cao'er Niang lightly knocked on the door of the lounge.

Ye Zhou's voice came from inside the door: "Understood."

"Call Wu Yan to come in." Ye Zhou said suddenly.

Cao Erniang was stunned for two seconds, her heart suddenly hung in the air, she had enjoyed the feeling of being "treated differently" by the immortal, she was afraid of losing, but she didn't dare to answer: "Yes." Back to the

warehouse At that time, Cao Erniang's face was so dark that a layer of ashes could be scraped off, she looked at Wu Yan who was joking with his wife, walked over with a cold face, and said to Wu Yan expressionlessly: "The immortal told you to go over "

Wu Yan stood up suddenly with a smile on his face, his expression changed several times, and his eyes suddenly became shrewd.

He didn't care about Cao'erniang's face, and walked out of the warehouse.

"Mother, what did the immortal tell him to do?" Cao'er walked over and asked in a low voice beside Cao'er's mother.

Cao'erniang shook her head slightly, almost gnashing her teeth and said, "Ask the immortal!"

After saying that, she turned her head and walked out of the warehouse.

Cao'er froze on the spot with a confused expression on his face, and after a while, he muttered in a low voice: "Mother, what happened today? Where did you get so angry?"

Standing at the door of the fairy's lounge, Wu Yan took a deep breath, and he even After wiping two handfuls of his hair and patting the dust on his clothes, he knocked on the door: "Immortal, I'm here."

Ye Zhou sat on the sofa and shouted out: "The door is unlocked, come in . "

Then Wu Yan pushed the door open and entered.

He didn't dare to look directly at the immortal, so he dared to walk up close and bow his head: "What orders does the immortal have?"

Ye Zhou pointed to the single sofa opposite him: "I have something to tell you, sit down." There is

a small table in the middle of the sofa After two cups of tea were placed on the table, Ye Zhou smiled at Wu Yan: "Don't be nervous."

Wu Yan swallowed, and sat stiffly opposite Ye Zhou. He didn't even know how to move his hands and feet. The cup of steaming tea in front of me.

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