Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

    The QR code scanning gun swept over the gold jewelry left by Ye Zhou, and disappeared without a trace after a while.

    Ye Zhou was careful, he didn't exchange all the gold ornaments for money, but kept some of them in the warehouse.

    After changing the pistol and bullets, he still has 1.3 million left in his account.

    At this time, he felt a little regretful again. After all, if these gold jewelry were sold at the modern price—after all, they were antiques—they could bring him an income of more than tens of millions.

    In terms of the selling price in this era, things like jade, calligraphy and painting are more valuable.

    After all, gold and silver are not circulated among the people at the bottom, either by barter or copper plates.

    As a precious metal that can be used as currency, gold is only circulated at the top, and only the upper nobles can afford to buy and use gold jewelry.

    For the upper-class nobles, beautiful jade calligraphy and paintings are the most worthwhile things for them to spend.

    Gold jewelry is not that valuable by comparison.

    Since it is not very valuable in this plane, maybe it is worth changing to another plane?

    Ye Zhou still remembered that Sarah said that in the plane she was in, human aristocrats had no shortage of gold and silver, but the craftsmen were poor in craftsmanship. Wouldn't he be able to earn a lot of money if he changed hands?

    "There seems to be a horse in the inventory of the system." Ye Zhou sat in front of the computer and said to himself.

    Zou Ming walked behind him. The two lived together now. Ye Zhou and Zou Ming had no privacy with each other, so they quickly became acquainted with each other.

    Ye Zhou has selectively forgotten about Zou Ming's background - anyway, there is a contract, so Zou Ming's past is not that important.

    A good guy or a bad guy sometimes depends on his environment.

    Anyway, Ye Zhou was not entangled, he was entangled, and he was the one who felt uncomfortable.

    "One hundred thousand for a horse..." Zou Ming was speechless for a moment when he saw the price.

    Ye Zhou didn't feel distressed: "There are more than one million yuan in the account, and six hundred thousand yuan for six horses, which is affordable, and water and food are not expensive."

    Although horses are expensive, there are reasons why people are expensive . Adult mare, racehorse class.

    Ye Zhou doesn't bet on horses, but he also knows that good racehorses are basically mares. Compared with stallions, mares are faster, more stable, and more explosive. The most valuable horses on the field are all mares.

    The system rarely has a conscience.

    Otherwise, Ye Zhou would want to smash the computer again if the crooked melon and cracked dates were still priced at 100,000.

    "Even if the money for water and food is included, at least there will be a profit close to 400,000." Ye Zhou is not greedy, "It's already a lot! I didn't dare to think about it before." Ye Zhou entered the purchase amount and pressed

    buy Jian, leaned back in the chair relaxedly, patted his leg and said, "It feels good to have money in the account."

    Since he found that the points are enough but still can't return to the original plane, all Ye Zhou's hopes have been lost. Pinned on making money.

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