Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

According to Cao'er's mother and daughter's description, Ye Zhou's current seat should be three to five days away from the edge of the forest.

There are no dirt roads for people to walk in the woods, and they are all trampled by wild animals in the past. When there were wild animals and wild vegetables in the woods, people entered the forest one after another.

After all, the bark is almost gone, and the woods can no longer provide humans with anything.

And even if you go deeper, not to mention whether you can survive the mouth of the beast, it may even be a problem to find the direction.

Moreover, the physical strength of the refugees could not support them to continue walking.

Although this method of exhausting the pond and fishing has had a huge blow to the forest ecology, it also provides a little advantage, that is, even if you enter the forest without a weapon, you will not face the danger of life from wild animals.

This also provided Ye Zhou with a layer of protection.

Without Cao'er and her daughter to lead the way, Ye Zhou didn't know which direction to leave the woods.

Although he has a compass, he doesn't know which side the exit is.

The compass has only one role here, so that he doesn't have to circle around in situ.

If Ye Zhou wanted to go out, he could only use the most stupid way, go all the way to the end, turn back if there is no way, and continue walking in another direction, which is not only dangerous, but also very time-consuming.

Now what he worries about is how to recruit the manpower, and when he recruits the manpower, he will start to worry about soliciting customers.

Although the supermarket is relatively safe in the deep mountains and old forests, there is another characteristic of the deep mountains and old forests, that is, there are few people on the road.

Those who went into the mountain at this time were either like the mother and daughter of Cao'er, who wanted to find a place to die, or they were just planning to look for food outside the woods, but lost their way.

After four days, the mother and daughter of Cao'er finally got better. They are really like grass. Even if they are in a desperate situation, even if there is no rain, they still hold the ground tightly with their weak roots and give them a drop of water. , a ray of sunshine, they will rejuvenate.

Anyway, Ye Zhou sighed and admired them very much.

As a modern man, he enjoys the benefits of modern industry, but what does that matter to him?

He never built a screw, never assembled a machine, he just had a good life, was born a modern person, and enjoyed the benefits brought by the great men of the past.

He also can't afford the sense of superiority that no one else has. If he was a member of the fleeing army, he might be among the first people to starve to death.

Cao'er and her daughter are not at ease in the supermarket. They always feel that they are not engaged in production and will be driven away after a long time, so they try their best to find something to do. They have to mop the floor and clean the cabinets every day. In such a big supermarket, they It can really be cleaned carefully every day.

The next day it wasn't dirty at all, so I continued cleaning.

Ye Zhou couldn't stop him either, and felt that it was good. He would have a sense of belonging if he had something to do, and he wouldn't think about it.

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