Chapter 177

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Chapter 177

In fact, Ye Zhou thought about what Zou Ming would be like when he was a child.

Zou Ming has good facial features. He has deep eyes, dark eyebrows, and a straight nose. At least Shangen is taller than ordinary people, but not as exaggerated as foreigners. His lips look thin, which actually matches his facial features. Just right.

There are youthful handsomeness and adult handsomeness.

In Ye Zhou's imagination, Zou Ming should have been very good-looking when he was a child. He might have a steamed bun face, big eyes, and a small upturned nose. Even if he was dressed as a girl, it shouldn't be out of harmony.

But he never expected that Zou Ming would look like this when he was a child.

Although the eyes are still big - but at a glance, it is obvious that they are from starvation. There is no flesh in the cheeks, and the eyes appear suddenly big.

There is no steamed bun face either, but a thin face with a pointed chin, which does not look handsome and handsome when he grows up, and can even be called a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek.

Humans have almost uniform aesthetics for cubs. They have round faces and big eyes. It would be better if their noses were not flat. They have white and fat arms and legs like lotus roots. When they walk on the road, they can be stared at by a bunch of uncles and aunts. Hug and kiss.

But a child like Zou Ming, with big dark eyes and a small face with a pointed chin, looks uncomfortable and gloomy.

But from the moment Ye Zhou recognized him as Zou Ming, he felt that this kid was very good-looking.

He strode towards Zou Ming's direction.

The people who were standing in front of Ye Zhou stepped aside one after another, and even the man holding Zou Ming let go in a daze.

And the boy on the ground has lost his strength after running away and struggling for a long time. He should have got up and run away, but the potato he got today was too small to replenish his strength, and he had already worked all day. God's alive.

He has never had a good night's sleep. He looks for "fat sheep" at night and has to work to earn water and food during the day.

It's hard to say whether I can sleep four hours a day.

It wasn't until Ye Zhou walked in front of him that the man stood up straight. He was also the lowest-level thug, doing errands for others to make a living. His shame that was so poor that he had almost no sense of shame finally reappeared when Ye Zhou finally emerged. nod.

But he didn't want to show his timidity. After all, he was a thug. If he showed his timidity, he might not be able to do this job in the future.

And he is ugly, no one will buy his butt, so he can only starve to death in the yellow sand outside.

"What are you doing?!" The man yelled sternly, "If you have anything to say to our boss, don't talk to me!"

But Ye Zhou turned a deaf ear to what he said, and just pointed at the boy on the ground and said, "I want him, you Report the number."

The man was taken aback, but he didn't expect that he was here to buy someone.

So he immediately changed his face and put on a flattering smile that can be called ugly. He rubbed his hands and said, "This brat is not good-looking! I have better-looking ones, and I haven't sold them yet...

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