Chapter 137

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Chapter 137

Sarah choked.

"Eat slowly!" Cao'er was so frightened that she patted Sarah on the back.

Sarah coughed a few times, and then continued to eat bitterly. She seemed to have never eaten before, holding a bowl of cooked blood. Aunt Li knew Sarah's taste, so she added a lot of peppers, and the bowl was bright red. Seeing the pig's blood and duck's blood, everyone present was terrified.

Except for Zou Ming and Chen Shu, everyone including Ye Zhou didn't like spicy food very much.

Ye Zhou didn't like it, but Aunt Li and the others had never eaten it before, and now they can only accept a little bit of spiciness. Frying a shredded potato and adding four dried chili peppers can make them so hot that their tears and noses keep flowing.

Ye Zhou didn't have much appetite, and he ate too much before going to bed last night, so he went to make a cup of milk tea for Sarah.

Although Sarah couldn't taste the milk tea, she could smell it.

He still remembers that Sarah likes the original flavor. After the hot water is boiled, it is cold and boiled. The temperature is just right, a little hot, but it is just right for the mouth.

After Sarah ate three big bowls of Xuewang, she put down the bowls and chopsticks in both satisfaction and fear, shrank her neck and did not move.

Everyone was looking at her, making her think she had done something wrong.

In the past, whenever so many people watched her together, she knew she was about to be tortured again.

Otherwise, those people wouldn't think of her at all, and wouldn't want to look at her more.

She didn't know these people, but she could feel that none of them had any malice towards her.

Their gazes were gentle, even showing some pity. Sarah was not angry with these pity gazes. Compassion was kindness, and it was better than malice.

"Drink." Ye Zhou put the milk tea in front of Sarah.

He didn't use the original packaging of the milk tea, but put it in a cup so that Sarah could taste the fragrance.

Sarah looked at the cup of milk tea, smelled the aroma, and carefully looked up at Ye Zhou. Her lips moved slightly, but she didn't say a word.

"You can't sleep alone right now." Ye Zhou didn't care if she replied, he smiled and said, "Cao'er will take you with me, you can tell anyone if you need anything." Wu Yan answered

immediately Said: "Yes, yes, just tell us what you want, and give us everything you can."

Wu Yan never forgot that he did not die at the hands of those soldiers and bandits, it was Sarah, and it was Sarah who saved them.

There was no opportunity to repay such a life-saving grace before, but now I finally have it.

Although they couldn't understand why the older Sarah left, a younger Sarah came.

But since they couldn't figure it out, they simply didn't want to.

Under the intense concern of everyone, Sarah could only hold the milk tea cup and drink in small sips, but she still shrank her neck, her whole body muscles were tense, as if she was ready to jump out at any time.

After dinner, Cao'er took Sarah to choose clothes. There were not many styles of clothes in the supermarket, but it was enough for Sarah.

Cao'er basically chose dresses for Sarah. After all, she remembered that her elder sister Sarah loved dresses the most. However, the dresses sold in supermarkets were so rough that Sarah's own dresses were unattractive.

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