Chapter 147

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Chapter 147

Countless commodities were placed on the shelves, and the eldest son of the farmer held the silver coins tightly, his eyes fell on the oil tank, and his eyes were straight.

Salt and sugar seem to lose their appeal at this moment, and there is nothing more attractive than oil in the whole supermarket.

Farmers here do not raise cattle, sheep and pigs. Although every household raises chickens and ducks, they have to be sold for money. Even if it is eggs, if you save ten, your family may not be able to eat one. Animal oil There are too few ways to obtain it. If you spend money to buy it, you will not be able to live at home.

As for vegetable oil, due to limited oil extraction technology and extremely low oil yield, the price of buying it is not much cheaper than animal oil. If it is squeezed by itself, the time and energy cost to farmers is far greater than the harvest.

After all, spending the same amount of time and energy on farming can fill one's stomach, and oil extraction can only see a little oil star when eating.

But people's desire for fat will not be relieved because they can't eat it all year round, but it will become heavier.

The eldest son's gaze had already been locked on the oil tank, and he stared at the tank obsessively, as if it was a temptation that no one in the world could resist.

The farmer followed his son's gaze, and the father and son swallowed in unison.

The peasant woman patted her husband on the back and said forcefully, "Don't look, we are here to buy salt and sugar, and if we want to buy oil, we have to sell you." The youngest daughter whispered, "Maybe it's not that expensive

? "

A pot of salt outside costs four silver coins, but here only two. Maybe the oil here is also very cheap."

The peasant woman said, "A pot of oil outside costs fourteen silver coins. Even if it is less than half, it will cost seven silver coins. You know I don't know how long it will take to save seven silver coins? Let's buy more salt and go back, as long as we keep it, it can be used all the time, what about oil?" The

peasant woman sighed: "I am not letting you..."

She was inexplicably angry: "Forget it! If you want to buy it, buy it, as long as you don't regret it later." The

eldest son immediately picked up a can of oil from the shelf, carefully carried the can and ran to Feng Ling who was standing beside him. Just standing firm, the moment he saw Feng Ling's eyes, he immediately lowered his head.

They have never seen a person like Feng Ling before. Her body is clean, there is not a single patch on her clothes, her skin is not as rough as theirs, her face has no freckles, and her raised hands have no calluses.

It's almost the same as the noble ladies in big towns in the rumors.

Because I had never seen it before, I couldn't hide my curiosity and slight fear.

"How many silver coins does this... this tank of oil cost?" the eldest son asked.

Feng Ling replied with a smile: "Five silver coins."

The eldest son's eyes widened in disbelief, only five! Although five silver coins were a huge sum of money for them, compared to fifteen, the cheap ones were like giving away for nothing, and it seemed that they were at a loss if they didn't buy them.

"Five coins!" The eldest son turned around and shouted to the family, "Mom! It's only five silver coins!"

"Let's buy one can of oil, five more cans of salt and one can of sugar!"

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