Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

Things are different, when Ye Zhou saw Lin You, these four words only came to mind.

Lin You is getting old-not referring to his appearance, but his temperament. His face has lost the confusion of his youth, but he has also lost his vigor. He is like an old man who has reached his twilight years. People have become more relaxed.

Even weak.

He bowed to Ye Zhou three times and nine times, more sincerely and in awe than when he was young.

It may be that he has witnessed the insignificance of manpower, so he believes in the power of immortality even more.

"Save the world?" Ye Zhou held a cup of tea in his hand. He passed through three planes, and he didn't feel heavy when he heard such words again. He looked at Lin You who was crying while talking, and said calmly: "Things that have rotted to the root, there is no need to save them."

Lin You stopped crying, he raised his head, his eyes were blank, as if he had returned to his youth.

Ye Zhou: "If you're poisoned, you can scrape the bone to heal the poison, but if it's already rotten, what's the use of saving it?"

Lin You asked foolishly, "Is the immortal saying... change the dynasty?"

Lin You never thought of this. In the past, no matter who is on the throne, he believes that a minister should be loyal to the king and the country. He wants to save the people, but he doesn't want to be a traitor and leave his infamy in the history books.

He wanted to be a loyal minister, a pure minister, but the immortal said... there is no need to save him.

Seeing Lin You's appearance, Ye Zhou couldn't bear it, but he continued: "It's natural to change the dynasty. Ordinary people say long live, but who can live long live? It's just a wish in the prosperous age.

" What's the difference? People are born, old, sick, and die, and so are countries."

Lin You knelt on the ground, and he sat down on his lap as if he lost his strength, staring blankly at the floor.

Ye Zhou: "You also have to think about what a country is. Is it the tens of millions of people, or the relatives of the emperor who live in the temple, or the nobles who have been passed down from generation to generation? Who do you want to save if you want to save the world? "

As soon as these words came out, Lin You seemed to hear Hong Zhong making a loud noise in his ears, which made him tremble all over. These words were like a gust of wind, blowing away all the fog in his heart, and like a sharp knife, peeling away his self-deception. shell.

Lin You knelt down on the ground as if he was out of strength. Half of his body was cold and the other half was hot. The two forces pulled him, making him in agony.

"You see, in the final analysis, what you want to save is not the world." Ye Zhou, "What you want to save is the authority of the world, and the people are just incidental. If you can't figure this out, no one will be able to save you.

" As a child of an aristocratic family, Lin You couldn't get rid of the stigma of class on him. If he wanted to save the world, he had to break free from his status as a child of an aristocratic family. If he wanted to raise his knife, he had to target more than people outside his class. And Ye Zhou,

a member of his own class : "I can't help you." "Yes, it's Lin... self-righteous, blind..." Lin You raised his head, his eyes were full of tears, but the light in his eyes became extraordinarily special Firmness, youthful vigor, seemed to return to his eyes. Now Ye Zhou was willing to talk to him further. · "The immortal is talking to him." Caoerniang handed the man a cup of tea. The man didn't dare to enter the supermarket, and only dared to stand at the door after Lin You entered. It was Caoerniang who saw him stiff and clear-eyed, no Like a villain, he invites people into the supermarket. But she also asked Wu Yan to stare at the man, if something was wrong, draw the gun directly, and don't give the other party a chance to fight back.

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