Chapter 135

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Chapter 135

The stars are shining brightly, and there is no dark cloud to cover them, which indicates that tomorrow will be a good day with clear skies and bright sunshine.

The whole town was silent, the crowd had already dispersed, and the vampires who had been among the crowd had also disappeared.

The bustling and bustling town during the day looks like a dead city at this time.

"I saw them passing by over there." Zou Ming whispered in Ye Zhou's ear when he and Ye Zhou went out together.

Ye Zhou knew that the "they" in Zou Ming's words were the vampires who ruled the town.

The house they allocated was not far from the castle, but because they didn't know where she would be allocated in advance, they just let Cao'er wait in the room she was allocated, and they would pick her up when the time came.

So before going to the castle, they had to make a detour to pick up the grass.

After finding Sarah, they will leave this town immediately.

Thinking of Sarah's appearance in the telescope, Ye Zhou wished he could replace the photon cannon in the system, and raze the town to the ground with one shot.

After changing her clothes, Cao'er waited at the door early, and as soon as she heard footsteps outside the door, she immediately pushed open the half-hidden door.

Although the employees will not get old and sick, the body's metabolism will not stop. Cao'er's hair has now reached the middle of the shoulders and waist. round ball.

It's just that every time Ye Zhou saw her with this hairstyle, he was worried about her hairline.

Fortunately, they are in a plane that does not belong to them, otherwise Cao'er would probably be half bald before middle age.

"Let's go." Ye Zhou whispered.

They didn't walk towards the castle swaggeringly on the street, but walked towards the castle by the side of the street. Even if they had a flashlight in their hands, Ye Zhou didn't dare to turn it on.

If it's just ordinary townspeople, the pistol is enough.

But there are still vampires here, and Ye Zhou doesn't have silver bullets, not to mention that even if there were bullets, it would be difficult to hit the heart with a pistol alone.

It's not difficult to hit the abdomen or the head. After practicing for so long, Ye Zhou is still confident.

But it is difficult to hit the heart, the opponent cannot stand still, and it is impossible to hide his weakness.

When they really fought, Ye Zhou knew that they didn't have much chance of winning.

Vampires can rush over without fear of death, but Ye Zhou can't fight them without fear of death, because he really will die.

"It's almost here." Zou Ming walked ahead, and he only brought a pistol.

Cao'er walked in the middle, and Ye Zhou was at the end.

Cao'er nodded nervously, and said in a low voice, "Brother Zou, shall we just go around ?


He acted with confidence, as if whatever happened was within his calculations.

"Yes, so you and I will lead them away, and Ye Zhou will go find Sarah."

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