Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

On a rare sunny day, Ye Zhou sat in the sun outside the supermarket, with a small wooden table in front of him, with tea and snacks on it.

Cao'erniang moved out a recliner from nowhere, and Ye Zhou was lying on the recliner, wearing sunglasses, and fell asleep after a while in the sun.

Ye Zhou was very satisfied with the long holiday. The closure of the supermarket did not affect the base. After all, the whole supermarket is thriving now. Everyone is very busy. They are busy looking for jobs and going to work, let alone even if they want to shop. , and no tortillas.

Apart from corn cakes, the only supplies left in the Luoyang base that could be exchanged were guns.

And those who could be changed were also changed by Yang Guoqin.

Now the arsenal of the Luoyang base can be described as empty.

The entire base was hollowed out by Ye Zhou - but he couldn't be blamed, it was because the base was too poor.

When Chen Gang came to look for him, Ye Zhou never thought that Chen Gang's family would have such an idea. After all, the base is developing in a good direction, so there is no need to abandon this life and go to an unknown place to work with him. .

What's more, it's still a family, and the elderly and children are brought along. How much determination does it take?

Chen Gang didn't come empty-handed. He brought a box of homemade snacks, including glutinous rice cakes, pumpkin cakes, and salted peanuts. These small dishes are made by himself, and there is always a heart.

Ye Zhou looked at Chen Gang's face.

Chen Gang lowered his head, and Ye Zhou sighed: "Why on earth do you want to go with me, at least I have to give a reason why I believe it."

Chen Gang hesitated for a while, and finally said: "My parents and Yue Parents, the health is not very good, my wife said that if you enter the supermarket, your health may become better, and there will be no disease or disaster."

"They are actually only in their fifties today. Before the end of the day, they would still be considered middle-aged, not old people." Chen Gang explained eagerly, "They don't need wages, and they can usually do a lot of work." Ye

Zhou Frowning: "It doesn't matter what the salary is."

After all, two adults work for him, and it is not difficult to provide for the elderly and children. After all, the food in the supermarket is cheap, so just buy less snacks.

"It's mainly your two children who won't go to school anymore?" Ye Zhou felt that Chen Gang and Qian Lan were not very smart about being parents.

Ye Zhou didn't mention to them that time doesn't flow when doing business.

This is actually not a good thing, it may be fine for men, women and old people, but for children, it means they will never grow up.

The children in the supermarket now, after a while, they still have to be sent back to Daliang Dynasty.

They cannot be deprived of the opportunity to grow up.

Chen Gang let out an "ah" and said in a daze: "Now the base school only teaches literacy and basic mathematics."

In his opinion, this level of knowledge can also be imparted by parental teaching.

In the past, the base lacked teachers, and ordinary children had no chance of receiving education at all. What's more, what the base needed was more labor force, not intellectuals and scientists, who could be trained, but not spread the net.

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