Chapter 121

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Chapter 121

"It's not a cold or a fever." Zhou Yuanhe walked up to Ye Zhou after the inspection. He lowered his head slightly and whispered in Ye Zhou's ear, "It was poisoned. I checked it just now. There was no bite mark, but there was a big one. "

It should be that someone extracted snake venom or poison from other poisonous animals, but although the wound is not shallow, it is not too deep, so until now there is no life-threatening." Zhou Yuanhe, "It may also be that the amount is not large enough. The toxicity is not strong."

Ye Zhou also asked softly: "Can it be rescued? Can I find out what kind of poison it is? Can I buy serum?"

Zhou Yuanhe lowered his voice: "I don't know what kind of animal poison it is. I don't know much about the animals here, I've seen many of them."

After a few seconds of silence, Ye Zhou said: "You take the blood sample first, I'll check in the system to see if there is any response. commodity."

He even hoped that there would be a cure for all poisons in the system.

But instead of hoping that there is a medicine to cure all poisons in the system, it is better to hope that the poison is not so toxic that it will not kill Chen Hou.

"Since Chen Hou got sick, has he ever been sober?" Ye Zhou asked the eunuch.

The eunuch shook his head slightly: "Your Majesty has been in a groggy state since he became ill. When he was seldom awake, even if he was awake, he just asked me to open the window or draw the curtain." The eunuch said again: "At

first Your Majesty is just feeling unwell, always complaining of dizziness and vomiting, and it will be like this within two days."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, he knew that he would not be able to ask any more questions, probably even Chen Hou himself didn't know who was the victim he.

After killing Zhang Rong, Chen Hou's situation in Chen State will not be better, only worse.

The aristocratic family will fight back crazily. For Chen Hou, this is a hurdle he must pass. If he passes, then he will have most of the right to speak in Chen Guoneng. If not, the prince Chen Rui will become the new "" Chen Hou".

After watching Chen Hou, Ye Zhou didn't leave the Chen Palace immediately. He asked the maid to report that he had met Mrs. Chen, whom he had never met since leaving the supermarket.

Probably only Ye Zhou's arrival can make the monarch's wife dress up for an interview late at night.

Mrs. Hou came quickly. She was haggard, and she looked even worse than when she was seriously injured. Her face was pale, her eyes were bloodshot, and the bags under her eyes were frighteningly large.

"Immortal." Madam Hou saluted Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou raised his hand slightly: "Ma'am, excuse me."

Madam Hou stood up straight, she knew why Ye Zhou came, so she said without waiting for Ye Zhou to ask: "Immortal, this matter has nothing to do with my mother's family. He passed away, and the Jiang family has not yet elected a new patriarch, if something happens to your majesty, our Jiang family will be in turmoil because of it, not only will it not benefit, but it will cause chaos." She didn't move her emotions, she only said to weigh the pros and cons,

Ye Zhou instead trust her.

"Ma'am, which family do you think will kill Marquis Chen?" Ye Zhou asked, "I heard from the eunuch that after Marquis Chen's accident, only Zheng and Zhang sent people to visit him." Madam Chen thought for a while,

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