Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

"It's so strange here!" Cao'er let out a small exclamation.

Cao'erniang shrank her neck, and her eyes, which were always drooping, were now rounded.

The others are not much better. Ever since they entered the city wall, they all look like quails. If there is any movement, they will be scared to death. Before entering the city wall, they feel that the people here are no different from them, even their hair is the same. .

But after entering the city gate, it was discovered that this place was completely different from Daliang Dynasty.

On the wide avenue, I don't know what was paved, there is no soil, no stone, and there are stone bricks on both sides of the road-if it is stone bricks.

Not to mention the tidied up houses, which are square and upright. When you look up, there are no more than five or six floors.

Although they could see the upper floors of the houses when they were outside the city walls, they were not so shocked until they reached the front of the buildings.

Because it is a working day, there are not many people walking on the street, and there are small stalls on the side of the road, and the boss sits on a small horse on the side of the stall.

There is a scale on the stall, and the scale reads: "Small business, no credit, cash settlement, corn cakes can be weighed and cut to pay."

Originally, after the tortilla was cut by weight, it was change.

The tortillas at the base are all made uniformly in the factory, so the size and weight are the same.

If the pieces were of different sizes, it would be too unstable for a trader to accept bartering.

Ye Zhou also looked around curiously, but it wasn't as obvious as Cao'er.

The interior of the base is actually not much different from a modern city.

The predecessor of this base should be a not-so-large county seat, and the housing complexes on the outside are relatively new, and the closer to the inside, the older it gets.

The same goes for the road, the narrower the road gets as you go towards the center of the base.

Gasoline is probably not easy to come by, Ye Zhou didn't see a car on the road.

"Brother Zou." Wu Yan didn't dare to ask Ye Zhou, so he could only run to ask Zou Ming who was walking at the end of the line. His expression was complicated, mixed with fear and excitement, "How was this house built? Why is it so tall? It hasn't fallen yet?!"

Wu Yan has seen tall towers before, and he also knows that if any house wants to be built higher, the higher it is, the deeper the foundation, the more pillars, and the narrower the top.

Countless craftsmen are needed to build a six-story tower, so tens of thousands of people are required to build such a house, no, hundreds of thousands of people need to build it?

The gain outweighs the loss, it is better to build a small courtyard, which consumes less materials and manpower.

What's more, these houses are equally wide and narrow from top to bottom, which is simply beyond the reach of human beings.

Zou Ming explained: "There are cranes and excavators, which don't require much manpower."

Wu Yan couldn't understand: "What is a crane and an excavator?"

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