Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

    The fairy lamp exudes soft light, and there is no ice in the house, but it is cooler than ice.

    Lin Youyuan didn't believe that there were gods and immortals in the world. People in the world are ignorant and don't know how to keep their feet on the ground, but they place their hopes on gods and Buddhas.

    He used to sneer at the word "immortal". No one has ever seen an immortal, but he has seen many alchemists pretending to be gods and tricking ghosts and making alchemy to harm people under the banner of immortals.


    he had to believe it.

    Lin You picked up the transparent container, put the white tablet into his saliva, and then took it with water.

    Unfortunately, he got this tuberculosis. He got it when the locust plague came.

    At that time, the city was already in chaos, and the locusts covered the sky and covered the ground like a huge black cloth. If people did not hide indoors, they would not be able to see clearly when they went out.

    Locusts eat everything they can eat.

    No matter how much people cull them, they can't be chased away, and they can't be killed.

    That day was terrifying and bizarre like a nightmare.

    All the surrounding villages had no crops. He was about to leave at that time, but he suffered from tuberculosis, so he had to seek medical treatment first.

    But all the doctors in the city were leaving, even if his family promised a lot of money, no one came to answer.

    Instead, the servants brought him a doctor, who told him that he was suffering from tuberculosis, and there was not enough herbs to cure it.

    Lin You has no hope, he hasn't lived enough and doesn't want to die.

    But it is fate that he will have this calamity, life and death, misfortune and fortune are beyond his control.

    After taking the medicine, he stared at the water glass in his hand in a daze.

    This cup is crystal clear without any impurities. He has seen all kinds of gemstones and crystals, but he can't find one that is as clear as this cup.

    Such a precious gem was actually used to make a cup...

    and he gave it to himself indifferently.

    It can be seen that immortals don't covet what's on them, they really only want sincerity.

    "You'll be staying here for the past two days." Cao Erniang entered the security room wearing a mask, and now everyone inside and outside the supermarket was wearing a mask. Although it was a bit suffocating, but since the immortal had spoken, they dared not refuse.

    "The immortal said, you have to take your time to heal your illness, it's okay if you leave in a hurry, as long as the medicine is effective, it's the same if you take the medicine with you." Cao Erniang.

    Lin You asked: "Brother Zheng, where are they?"

    Cao'er Niang: "They are shopping, looking like they want to empty the supermarket." Lin You: "     Mother

    , what do you mean by the word supermarket?"

I understand, so I said vaguely: "The supermarket is the fairy's cave, and the things in it are not mortal things. You can go in wearing a mask tomorrow." "You keep it!

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