Chapter 60

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Chapter 60

Hundreds of small corpses were wiped out in less than two hours. Ye Zhou was wearing a mask, which made the mask full of water mist, and the sweat on his face kept secreting. No one else was better than him. where to go.

Outside the barbed wire, no one dared to take off their equipment and masks even if they were hungry and thirsty.

Who knows if there are any "worm eggs" or "viruses" left by zombies on the plants and land?

Only after complete disinfection in the disinfection room next to the base can they be uniformly isolated.

Where no zombies have been, it is still safe.

"I'm so tired..." Ye Zhou felt that he couldn't even lift his arms. He didn't feel tired when the zombies were in front of him. He didn't feel tired until the zombies lay down.

Chen Shu also put away his gun and ran down the hillside. They saw that it was already half past eleven.

The soldiers were also ready to turn around and go back.

This team of soldiers came out today, and then they had to be quarantined for three days - the longest incubation period of the zombie virus is actually only one day, but the base made it mandatory for three days to be on the safe side, lest the virus mutate.

No one complained.

After all, it is about the safety of everyone and the base, so be careful when sailing for thousands of years.

A group of people walked back with tired steps. They could also drink water, but they had to use straws to penetrate through the small hole under the mask. There was a film in the small hole, which would automatically close after the straw was removed.

Breathing still depends on the small purifier next to the mask.

Ye Zhou drank water a few times, but in the end he thought it was too troublesome to drink water, so he simply stopped drinking it.

He can't go to the bathroom outside, because he is afraid of drinking too much water, and he won't be able to hold it before he walks back.

I thought I wouldn't be too tired in one morning, but when Ye Zhou came out, he was more tired than the two busiest days in the supermarket.

Not only physical exhaustion, but also mental exhaustion. They are always observing their surroundings, stopping at the slightest sign of trouble, and their spirits are highly tense. This is not comparable to physical fatigue.

When we returned to the outskirts of the base and walked to the disinfection room, it was already 1:30 noon. Everyone was tired and hungry, but they still had to line up to enter the disinfection room.

Ye Zhou, Zou Ming and the others lined up in the middle of the line. Ye Zhou was too tired to stand still. He squeezed Zou Ming's arm and said inconspicuously, "Let me lean on, okay?" Zou Ming said calmly:

" OK."

Leaning on Zou Ming's arm, Ye Zhou let out a long sigh of relief.

"I don't want to come out tomorrow, I'm too tired." Ye Zhou whispered, not wanting the soldiers to hear.

Before Zou Ming could comfort him, Chen Shu in front of him turned his head and said, "Boss, you can't back down and try your best. Maybe after this plane ends, you will really become a sharpshooter?" Chen Shu: "Sometimes you have to force

a You just have to force yourself."

Ye Zhou: "..."

Hey, he really doesn't want to force himself, if he was in the original plane, he wouldn't know how to learn a gun at all, and he didn't even think about riding a horse and archery, he just wanted to earn money. Money, he loves earning money deeply.

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