Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

    Lin You and the others came and went in a hurry, and they almost didn't stay for a night, but Ye Zhou kept them for a night.

    After all, if an employee doesn't want to be with him, he still needs to follow Lin You and the others to the south.

    Ye Zhou was afraid that there would be accidents when they traveled overnight, so he sent a bright flashlight. Besides the battery, it also supports solar charging. It's just that the charging is extremely slow, but it's better than the battery can't be replenished after it is exhausted.

    He also gave a lot of batteries, at least enough to support them to Anyang City.

    It can also be regarded as thanking them for helping send people away.

    Ye Zhou is not worried about the butterfly effect. Since he is here, who knows if he is the wind driven by the butterfly?

    After Lin You and the others left, Ye Zhou stayed in the lounge and went shopping frantically.

    For the first time, he knew that he liked "shopping" so much.

    In the case of sufficient funds, he doesn't have to worry about anything, he doesn't even need to look at the price, he just needs to keep pressing the buy button.

    Ye Zhou was sobbing in his heart—it's so happy to be rich!

    There is probably nothing happier in this world than being rich!

    When hiring bodyguards, Ye Zhou found out Chen Shu's name, and pressed the hire button neatly.

    In addition, he also hired a doctor named Zhou Yuanhe. Since he didn't understand medical equipment at all, Ye Zhou didn't buy anything. He planned to ask him to buy it himself when the doctor came.

    Anyway, you have to use a computer to buy anything, and the system has accounting, so you don't have to worry about being swallowed.

    Thinking about it this way, the system seems to have advantages, not all disadvantages.

    Although it is strange to never respond to his doubts.

    Wu Yan and the others entered the lounge around nine o'clock in the evening.

    As Ye Zhou expected, more than half of the people were unwilling to leave with him.

    Compared with the "new world" they don't know anything about, they still prefer to stay in the place they know better and where they grew up.

    Especially the elderly.

    Even if there is turmoil here, even if they stay here may still be poor, but they are still more attached to this land.

    Ye Zhou looked at Wu Yan: "Give me the list of people who are willing to stay."

    Wu Yan handed the written text and the "contract" with his fingerprints to Ye Zhou.

    Chen Liu also wants to stay. Although Ye Zhou is very sorry, he can only bless him.

    His parents were also reluctant to leave.

    Although they are full of longing to follow the immortal, but that is when they stay in this land as the "immortal".

    It took Ye Zhou five minutes to enter the employees and family members.

    The actual number of people employed in the store dropped from twenty-six to twelve, or thirteen if the baby was included.

    The only thing that made Ye Zhou breathe a sigh of relief was that neither Wu Yan nor Cao'er mother and daughter left.

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