Chapter 42

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Chapter 43

Even though he was wearing earplugs, Ye Zhou still didn't sleep well this time.

He was half asleep and half awake, and he could still hear gunshots outside. He thought he wasn't asleep at all, but when he "woke up", it was still half past nine in the morning.

There were already footsteps outside the break room, and the employees started working.

There are not many supermarkets, but the employees are helpless because they don't want to receive white-collar wages and be fed for nothing, so they will find things to do for themselves when they have nothing to do. Not only must every shelf be wiped clean, even the corners of the goods must be cleaned. , Even with packaging, they have to wipe it carefully.

As a result, the entire supermarket is as clean as new every day, and the tiles must be polished so that it can be seen from others.

Although Ye Zhou felt that there was no need to be so careful, the employees were willing to work, so Ye Zhou didn't say anything.

Work can make people more stable, money and doing nothing will make people lazy, and having no money and doing nothing will breed crime.

Work can also help people quickly find a sense of belonging.

After Ye Zhou woke up, he went to wash his face and brush his teeth. Zou Ming was not in the room, so he took out the walkie-talkie - he also only recently discovered that there are walkie-talkies sold in the supermarket, but they are children's versions, and the scope of fairy tales is very small. A walkie-talkie is more like a children's toy.

Although he can exchange with Yang Guoqin now, he is worried about being monitored. Although the conversation between him and Caoerniang is not terrible, he is worried that one day Caoerniang will suddenly say the word "immortal", and then he will start from "immortal" "Future Man" has become "Flying Immortal".

And if you are an individual, you don't like being monitored.

After Cao'erniang received the news that the fairy had woken up, she brought out the warm breakfast. Since she is now in charge of everyone's three meals a day, Ye Zhou also raised her salary.

Now Caoerniang is the richest employee in the supermarket, and she is indeed worthy of the salary.

After all, it's not a problem to eat convenience food every day. Cao'erniang is now raising mushrooms, cooking, and doing other chores.

Ye Zhou found that Cao'erniang is a very "simple" person. This does not mean that she is unsophisticated, but also that she is very stubborn.

Once she believes in something, she will persist in believing in it, even if she hits the south wall, she will not look back, and she has her own set of theories, and will not be moved by foreign objects.

Even if Ye Zhou was ripped open at this time, revealing his glowing red heart, Caoerniang would still insist that he was a god, and find a reasonable explanation for his death.

Cao'er Niang walked into the lounge with breakfast.

She has now figured out Ye Zhou's taste.

Ye Zhou doesn't eat too salty food, nor does he eat spicy food - he sometimes craves spicy food, but even if it's slightly spicy to others, his lips can turn red.

But the strange thing is that Ye Zhou likes to eat bitter melon.

No one in the store likes to eat bitter melon! So bitter!

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