Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

"Aren't these people from the supermarket?" The people in the base couldn't help but stop and look at them when they saw a group of them walking by. Almost all of them have been to the supermarket, and some even go in once a day. .

Now many earn the difference and earn a job. They queue up early every day, buy corn flour, and then go home to make tortillas. Both of them are the same as the official tortillas, and there is no difference with the naked eye when placed together.

They are very strange, why the cashier in the supermarket can see it.

There are also some people who want to get away with it. After being found out, they become angry and quarrel in the supermarket. They are finally thrown out and blacklisted. They are not allowed to enter again.

Regardless of whether this person will ask others to help him buy things in the future, at least let more people know that the supermarket can identify the source of the tortillas, and if they want to earn the difference, they should earn it well, and don't try to get away with it.

Although people don't understand, they are all corn tortillas, why are they made in supermarkets and bases?

What is the difference between the two? Could it be that the tortillas from the base are more fragrant?

The residents couldn't figure it out, but they didn't dare to try again to see if they would be thrown out of the supermarket, so many people honestly said that their tortillas were made of cornmeal from the supermarket when they paid.

Ye Zhou also noticed that many people were looking at him. He was a little embarrassed and secretly wondered if his hair was blown up.

He didn't sleep well last night. When he got up this morning, he had a few hairs that didn't fit. They looked like curled-up hairs. They could only be wiped off with water. I don't know if they curled up again now.

"Chen Gang!" Someone came running from not far away, before Chen Gang could speak, he reached out and grabbed Chen Gang's arm, his eyes were wide open, Chen Gang could only stop - he followed go up.

Chen Gang recognized the person in front of him, his ex-colleague, and they had done odd jobs together for a while.

"What's the matter?" Chen Gang was not enthusiastic. He could guess what the other party was going to say. Ever since he went to work in the supermarket, seven aunts and eight aunts who had never met in eight lifetimes have come. He sent someone to express his experience. , so calmly waited for the other party to speak.

The ex-colleague took a few breaths. He turned his head and stared at the back of Ye Zhou and his party leaving, bit his lower lip and asked, "You work in a supermarket?"

Chen Gang didn't deny it either: "You just know? I thought I knew everything." "

Ex-colleague: "Why didn't you tell me about such a good thing? I'm still paying attention to your work during this time."

Chen Gang laughed "hehe", "Pay attention to work"? What a favor, he said haha: "I'll keep an eye out for you too, to see when the boss will recruit again." The

former colleague said anxiously: "Isn't the supermarket business very good? How can there be no shortage of people?" "

Working now It's hard to find, can you talk to your boss?" "

Well, I'll give you all my salary for the first six months, as long as you can get me in."

Chen Gang: "..."

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