Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

The wind is blowing and the grass is low, but the wind is warm, and there is no trace of coolness when it blows head-on.

There was a group of people walking in the woods. They were wearing old and tattered clothes, each of them was carrying a huge bag, and they stepped on the uneven ground, but no one complained.

The man at the head was taller than the others, and he was holding a small disc-the fairy said it was called a compass.

Wu Yan had heard of Sinan before, but he had never seen it before. Besides, the Sinan he had heard of was by no means so small, so small that he could grasp it with one hand, and there was a "crystal cover" on the outside. How delicate and ingenious is this?

"Take a rest and leave after noon." Wu Yan stopped under a tree.

The big tree is towering, and the layers of complicated branches and leaves block most of the sunlight, only a few faint rays of light fall from the gaps, casting mottled light and shadow on the ground.

The employees took off their bags and placed them next to the tree trunk, where they drank and ate in an orderly manner.

You can't eat hot food outside, but in this weather, no one yearns for hot food.

"If it was in the supermarket, I would definitely be able to eat cold dishes today." Someone took a sip of water after unscrewing the bottle cap, and said with a long sigh of relief, "Chicken cold noodles!

" I am willing to put seasonings, salt and vinegar are available, if you can eat spicy food, add a small spoonful of chili oil, add some sugar, and serve with a bowl of half-cold white porridge, the delicious ones can make people swallow their tongues.

It is delicious and easy to make. There is no shortage of meat in the supermarket, let alone vegetables and fruits. Although there are rations every day, the employees have never eaten the fruits they get every day.

They will always leave some of it to the next day, and after the next day's fruit is divided, they will eat the leftovers from the previous day.

So everyone saved some.

"Crispy dates are delicious!" This person salivated, "There is no sour taste at all, they are crispy, sweet, and juicy."

Another person: "Pineapples are delicious! After soaking in salt water, the core in the middle is brittle. , the sides are soft and a little sour, just right!"

Their favorite thing to talk about on the road is the food and fruits in the supermarket.

Especially fruit.

In the past, it was difficult to have enough food, and the fields were all used to grow food. Except for the big landlords, who would dare to grow fruits?

Except for the wild fruits in the mountains, they have never eaten serious fruits, not to mention that there are not many delicious wild fruits, either astringent or sour. If they can find sweet ones, it will be blessed by heaven.

Especially besides them, wild birds will also look for ripe fruits, and often when they find them, they are faced with the leftovers of wild birds, and there are not a few whole fruits left.

"The fairy also asked us to bring sugar." The employee licked his lower lip, "I never dreamed that I would be able to have it today."

Sugar is a luxury for farmers, even a little wealthy family.

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