Chapter 120

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Chapter 120

    In the city of Linzi, the houses not far from the city were brightly lit, servants held torches, and house slaves held bows and arrows.

    Everyone was in a hurry, the maid was standing in the corner, she stood holding her breath, listening to the anger of the owner in the house.

    "A businessman! How dare you capture my Patriarch Yang! Humiliate my Yang family!"

    A male voice sounded, followed by the sound of the wooden table being kicked over.

    "If you don't kill him, how can my Yang family gain a foothold!" In the lobby, dozens of members of the Yang family sat together, watching the owner's younger brother get angry. People have different expressions on their faces. He bowed his head in silence.

    But none of them spoke.

    The man pointed outside the door: "If we really gave them money, how would the people in Linzi City think of us? How would the people of the world think of us?


    Then the Yang family said: "This is not good. If you get off this one, there will be another one. In the future, anyone who looks at my Yang family will only think that we are easy to bully, and this ban cannot be lifted .

    " Let's attack, it's hard to explain to Marquis Chen."

    "Although they have been giving gifts to the Zheng and Zhang families all these years, they promised to bring the Yang family's children to the court, but they dragged on year after year until now. No one from my Yang family is in the imperial court."

    "How about waiting for Marquis Chen to recover from his illness and ask him to uphold justice?" "

    Yes, if Marquis Chen wakes up and learns that we are making a big move in Linzi City, I'm afraid. It can't be better."

    The man looked at them, and he sneered: "In the current state of Chen, how can Chen Hou be allowed to speak? Can he just kill Zhang Rong? It's just that there are many children in the Zhang family, so don't care about him. If you do, he, Chen Hou You can only be in the Chen Palace!"

    The Yang family looked at each other, although they knew what the man said was right, but many people were still afraid.

    The young Yang family disciple stood up and said nervously to the man: "Uncle, I thought that no matter what, we are all the subjects of the emperor. It is taboo for a subject to use swords and weapons. What the head of the family did today is very wrong. We We should stop swordsmanship, and ask the businessman to discuss it, if it can be settled with money and food, it will not be lost..."

    Before he finished speaking, the man kicked him in the abdomen, kicking him back a few steps, With the help of others, he regained his footing.

    "No blood!" The man pointed at the noses of the Yang family's children, "It's in vain for me, the son of the Yang family!"

    The man looked at the Yang family with different expressions, and the nameless flames blazed up. One day, it was precisely because you looked forward and backward, feared the head and the tail, feared the aristocratic family, feared the king and high officials, and you were afraid of coming and going, that the Yang family fell to where it is today." "In the past, I wanted to give gifts to the Zheng and Zhang families

    . In the future, you still want to give a gift to a mere businessman?"

    "You can afford to lose this man, but the Yang family can't!"

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