Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

    If someone had ever said to Ye Zhou: "One day in the future, you will raise your gun to a stranger and kill him."

    Ye Zhou would definitely roll his eyes.

    But now, facing the man he met for the first time, his hand holding the gun didn't shake at all.

    The other party looks no different from any ordinary person, maybe just a little fatter, but this fatness is compared with the local aborigines, and it can even be regarded as the standard in modern times.

    He has thick eyebrows, a square face with thick lips, and an unusually upright appearance. Just by looking at his face, one would think that he is an upright person with a heart to help the weak. Hollowed out by maggots.

    Zhao Changsheng's eyes were not as good as Ye Zhou's. He could only see a strangely dressed young man standing on the hillside, but he couldn't see Ye Zhou's face clearly, nor could he see what Ye Zhou was holding.

    "What do you want?!" Zhao Changsheng shouted at Ye Zhou, "We don't violate the river! If you kill my brother, you won't be afraid of the gods and Buddhas appearing, and you will fall into the eighteenth level of hell after death?! If you stop, you will be here! Nothing happened!"

    Ye Zhou asked blankly: "When you used unarmed refugees as food to feed your hunger, did you ever think about the eighteen hells? Since you don't believe it, why use gods and Buddhas as amulets? If the gods and Buddhas in the sky knew what you did, would you still be standing here?"

    Zhao Changsheng smiled miserably.

    He knew that this young man was not going to let him go.

    The bandits who were still breathing behind shouted: "My lord! Fight him!"

    "My lord, kill him!"

    "My lord..."

    Zhao Changsheng turned a deaf ear to the yelling behind him, and spit bloody saliva on the ground: "How can there be any gods and Buddhas in this world?"

    "Since you are the leader, do you dare to come down?" Zhao Changsheng looked up at Ye Zhou, "If you dare not do it yourself, what kind of a hero is he?!"

    Ye Zhou knew that he was provoking him, he fought hand to hand, and he was definitely not a battle-tested man. Veteran opponent.

    But Ye Zhou jumped down anyway.

    He wants to push himself.

    Standing here, looking down at each other, he couldn't pull the trigger.

    At the moment when Ye Zhou jumped down and hadn't stood still -

    "Ah!! -" Zhao Changsheng raised his long knife and rushed towards Ye Zhou.

    kill him! When the two armies confront each other, hold the enemy's leader, and he will win without a fight!

    Compared with Zhao Changsheng, Ye Zhou is undoubtedly thin - he is in the final stage of a man with the lowest body fat, and there is not much fat on his body. Just looking at his body shape, Zhao Changsheng is twice as wide as him, not to mention that Zhao Changsheng is quite fat. Dominant square face.

    The bandits stretched their necks. They wanted to see their king cut off the opponent's head with a knife and save them from fire and water.

    Everyone is staring at each other.

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