Chapter 107

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Chapter 107

    Mrs. Hou was lying on a single bed. She had never slept on a bed off the ground. Compared with this tent and bed, the wound on her shoulder seemed insignificant. The young and haggard doctor unbuttoned her clothes and cleaned Blood and dirt around the arrow.

    The moment she drew the arrow, Madam Hou finally couldn't help arching her body.

    She curled up like a shrimp that couldn't help herself.

    Prince Chen Rui was carried out by Feng Ling before Zhou Yuanhe could do anything.

    After treating the wound, Mrs. Hou was sweating all over. She looked up at the top of her head and gasped continuously.

    Zhou Yuanhe warned: "Don't eat hair during this time, I will change the dressing before the wound is completely healed, and you can't touch the water, if you want to take a bath, just wipe it with a wet handkerchief." Madam Hou said softly "Yes

    " After a while, she asked: "Doctor, did you sew up my wound?"

    Zhou Yuanhe gave Mrs. Hou a local anesthetic, but Mrs. Hou didn't know whether it was because of her constitution or other reasons, the normal dosage did not make her feel sick. She lost feeling in her shoulder, but she didn't speak until Zhou Yuanhe pulled out the arrow.

    However, the wound must be debrided and sutured immediately after the arrow is pulled out, and there is no time for anesthesia.

    Mrs. Hou survived completely by her own will.

    Zhou Yuanhe nodded: "Yes."

    Madam Hou took a few deep breaths, and she almost forced a question through her teeth: "Doctor Chen Guo, is it possible?"

    Zhou Yuanhe knew what she was asking, nodded and said: "Yes, you guys Gut and silk threads can be used."

    It was probably the first time that Zhou Yuanhe saw that the anesthesia did not have any effect, and he was able to support the patient who pulled out the arrow and sutured by himself, so he paid two more respects to Mrs. Hou: "However, your sanitary conditions and surgical facilities are not up to standard. Even if the thread is made, it is unlikely that you can save your life by suturing, and your needles are not good either."

    Madam Hou had a splitting headache, and her whole body fell away, but she still said: "Thank you, doctor, it is better to have a solution than to have no solution. "

    Zhou Yuanhe nodded: "Your current problem is low productivity. Most of the people are bartering, and the value of currency is unstable. Even if you think of many things, you can't implement them. It is difficult to make progress in the development of medicine." At this time, it's

    nothing In medicine, doctors can only prescribe medicines based on experience. Sometimes even if a patient is cured, the doctor does not know which medicine has cured the other party. open again.

    Few are cured, but many are put to death.

    More often, patients have minor ailments and can recover without treatment on their own.

    Although Zhou Yuanhe is a western doctor, he is not ignorant of Chinese medicine.

    Regardless of Western medicine or Chinese medicine, a large number of cases, or human lives, are required to fill in the development.

    Western medicine didn't have a system from the very beginning, it had all kinds of top-notch instruments, and when it started to operate on people, it could also sell tickets. The doctor performed the operation on the stage, and a crowd of spectators watched.

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