Chapter 185

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Chapter 185

The memory about the "mother" is actually not very clear, and the boy doesn't even remember what she looks like.

What I remember the most is that she lay on the bed and kept making the sound of a blower leaking air. She always cried out for pain, but she never said where it hurt.

There was no communication between the two of them, the boy didn't understand what she was thinking, and the "mother" didn't know what the boy was thinking either.

Sometimes they could not speak a word for several days.

But they really are like a family, at least they eat together every day.

Although the "mother" is not rich, but since the boy became her "son", there is a metal house that can accommodate him, and there is food to eat, even if the "mother" herself has little food.

They have their own ideas, but maintain a strange family.

When the boy discovered that something was wrong with the "mother", she was already on her deathbed.

During that time she looked the same as usual until she was dying.

The "mother" left her last words with great difficulty, and left her little property - the tin house and a few potatoes - to the boy.

The boy just asked her calmly, who caused her to be like this.

The "mother" didn't say anything, and the boy didn't know what she was thinking. Maybe it was because he thought it was useless to say it, or maybe he was worried that if the child took revenge, he would definitely die in the hands of that person, so she kept her mouth shut and kept her mouth shut. A drop of extravagant tears fell in front of my eyes.

The boy is willing to believe that the "mother" doesn't tell him because of the latter.

He felt a little secret maternal love in it.

But it is actually not difficult to inquire about this matter. The slums lack everything except prostitutes and male prostitutes. The information among them is smooth and transparent. Although the boy has never met Zhao Lei, after these few years, he Perhaps he is the person who knows Zhao Lei best in this world.

The woman was intimidated by the boy's eyes. There is no shortage of people here who can kill, and there is no shortage of people who want to kill, but these people are without exception. Afraid of nothing" to show off.

But the boy's expression and even his tone didn't change.

The most frightening thing is that when he said this, he looked relaxed.

The woman thought the child was crazy, but she didn't understand, so she said, "You have moved to the inner city now, that man seems to treat you very well, as long as you are obedient, you will definitely be different from us in the future, you don't need to be a thug , You don't need to be a male prostitute, maybe you will become a big shot."

"You killed Zhao Lei, and then?" The woman felt that her mind had never been sober as it is now, she stood up and sat in front of the boy, hoping to let him The boy dismissed the idea, "The people at Zhao Lei will definitely find out that you did it. There are no secrets here. What will you do then?" "You can live a good life already!

" Knowing all this, I definitely don't want you to take revenge."

The boy looked up at her, and asked calmly, "How do you know?"

The woman was stunned: "What?"

The boy: "How do you know what she thinks?"

"If it were me, I hope someone will avenge me."

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