Chapter 131

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Chapter 131

it's getting dark.

Cao'er became impatient.

She could see the sunset in the sky through the gap in the wooden window, and knew that if it was later, the people here would have to do something.

Although she hadn't found out what happened here and what the old woman was going to do to her, she knew she was in a dangerous situation now.

And the dwarves who stayed with her were so ignorant that they didn't even want to leave the warm house.

It may be because the old woman is also a dwarf, and these dwarves travel as a family, so they have no doubts at all because of their trust in their own clan and their blind confidence in their own force.

Cao'er chatted with the dwarf children, knowing that they came from a village a month away from here.

The people in their village are basically dwarves, who live by farming and doing some wood carvings. Life is not good but not too bad. At least they have clothes to wear, and they will not starve to death. But the dwarf parents are very ambitious. They hope My child can read and write.

But they have no money and no social status.

Here, those who can read and write are either big businessmen or nobles. If ordinary civilians want to read and write, the best way is to become servants of nobles through the introduction of relatives and friends.

Favored senior servants were able to read and write.

The child speaks a bit incoherently, does not look smart, or may appear naive because of insufficient nutrition.

It took Cao'er a long time to piece together his words before he could piece together a general cause and effect.

There are relatives of this town resident in the village where they live. After receiving the letter from here, the family quickly sold the house and land and rushed here. The villagers said they were going to live a better life.

The letter made the town look like heaven on earth.

All races coexist on an equal footing. With a little labor, they can live a good life with enough food and clothing, live in a big house, and children can go to school.

There is no crime, no pain in this town, and everything about it is beautiful, a gift from God to the world.

It's just that most of the villagers don't believe it, partly because they can't leave their homeland, and partly because they simply think that there won't be such a good place in this world, and if there is, it won't be the turn of the dwarves.

But the goblins in the house now can only take a gamble because they have to send their children to school.

But they have their own wisdom. They only sold their own house, not the land. If they find something wrong after coming here, they can go back to their hometown, build a simple wooden house and continue to live.

Cao'er couldn't laugh or cry, they knew to leave a way out for themselves, but they couldn't find the danger in front of them.

But she didn't remind them, at least not now, and she was not out of danger yet, and she wasn't ready to make them shout.

The old woman will definitely come back later, and when the old woman comes back to open the door, she must run out.

If you can use a gun, you don't need a gun, otherwise you will definitely startle the snake.

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