Chapter 145

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Chapter 145

Many of the "blood slaves" are still insane, and only 23 of them are sober, and they passed the punishment of "exile" unanimously.

With Ye Zhou's order and the dog-eared man leading the way, the townspeople were led on the second day after the decision was made.

They were not allowed to bring food, only one set of clothes.

The townspeople did not resist this time. Rather than being trapped in the town without even a sip of water, they might as well try their luck in the wild.

For these townspeople who have never lived in the wild, the wild is not scary. They even think that they can live in the wild until they find a village that is willing to take them in. In their imagination, wild beasts and insects and ants that spread diseases It doesn't exist, and clean water must be everywhere.

As for fire-wilders know how to make fire by drilling wood.

So they are full of confidence, not thinking that they are exiled, but thinking that life in the wild must be better than being trapped in a town.

The process of taking away the townspeople was incredibly smooth.

As soon as the townspeople left, the whole town became empty, and Ye Zhou finally had time to start renovating the environment around the supermarket.

Open the door for business, there should not be too many shelters next to the supermarket, and some old uninhabitable wooden houses are directly demolished.

Dirty oil mills and bakeries were immediately closed, a flat avenue was needed at the entrance of the supermarket, and several small dwellings had to be transformed into public toilets for the convenience of customers.

Considering that some small businessmen may want to settle in the town, several houses have to be remodeled to serve as hotels.

As for the manpower in the hotel, let the "blood slaves" act.

There are quite a few good houses in the town, some of which are set aside for the "blood slaves" to live in.

These jobs are not too much, but because of the shortage of manpower, it took half a month to complete.

However, in addition to renovations in the past half month, Ye Zhou is also planning activities to attract customers.

When Zou Ming and Chen Shu came back, they saw not only the brand-new surrounding environment of the supermarket, but also leaflets like hills.

Standing in front of the "hill", Ye Zhou said to Zou Ming with a sense of accomplishment: "Most people here are illiterate, so I came up with this idea." There are no words on the

flyer, all are pictures, as for the price It is indicated by the coin picture next to it.

Illiterate people can also understand this leaflet, and it is printed extremely brightly, which is to the extent that it would be called color polluted, earthy and vulgar in modern times.

"In the past, I didn't understand why supermarket flyers had to be colorfully printed. The promotional pictures of those big brands are basically monochromatic, which is very high-end." Ye Zhou sent the flyers to Zou Ming and the others, saying as he sent them, "Because the target customers are different."

"Generally, people who look at the promotional pictures of big brands are either inclined to buy, or rich and relatively free. They don't need too strong visual stimulation." Ye Zhou, "As long as the publicity It's fine if the information on the picture is clear, and it would be better if it has a sense of design." "

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