Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

    The sky is gradually getting brighter, and the moment the sun comes out, it seems that the people who are illuminated by it will live another day.

    But it was just one more day.

    Yang Zhi leaned against the tree trunk. Although the food brought by Chen Liu was enough for them for a while, the water was not enough.

    In such heat, even half an hour without water seems like an adult.

    It seems to be tolerable when there is no water, but the thirst becomes faster when there is water.

    Yang Zhi looked to the south, he had already given up, after so many days, he still did not wait for Chen Liu, although the group did not speak, they had already accepted their fate.

    Death is imminent, but they don't even have the chance and strength to leave a last word.

    Even Yang Zhi, who has the best physique, is no longer energetic. From day to night, each of them can only say one sentence at most.

    Their waking time is also getting shorter and shorter. If the beasts around here hadn't been polished, they might have become rotting corpses on the roadside long ago.

    Yang Zhi's eyes gradually lost focus.

    If there is any substantial loss of vitality from him.

    Just at this time -

    the sound of horseshoes pierced the sky, and the neighing of horses sounded not far away, like the sound of heaven.

    The celestial music in the fairy palace is definitely not as good as this sound.

    Yang Zhi sat up suddenly, his vision was darkened by this movement, he sat for a long time, and then stood up with the help of the tree trunk.

    The sound made Li Qing who was lying on the ground struggle to stand up.

    They all looked in the direction of the sound.

    Then they saw an unforgettable scene in this life-

    on the official road in the vast yellow sand, a maroon horse leaped out. Horse, it is very handsome, its muscles are strong and powerful, and it seems to be able to fly over mountains and mountains when it is in the air.

    The dark brown ponytail spread out the moment it jumped up, like a whisk in the hands of a fairy.

    It's so beautiful that you can't take your eyes off it.

    Yang Zhi, who had seen a good horse, couldn't help but murmured: "What a horse... What a horse!"

    He was like seeing a girl he loved, and he didn't dare to speak loudly, only dared to look at it with longing eyes.

    "Slow down! Slow down!" Before the horse arrived, Yang Zhi and the others saw Wu Yan and his party panting behind the horse's buttocks.

    None of Wu Yan and his group can ride a horse—Wu Yan can ride a donkey.

    Although Cao'er knew how to ride a bull, she dared not mount a horse.

    Horses are a luxury in this era. Except for unruly bandits who will snatch horses and ride them, many officials can only ride in ox carts when they go out. Horses are exclusive to high-ranking officials and nobles, and a good horse is priceless.

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