Chapter 110

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Chapter 110

    Since the opening of the "supermarket" in the south of the city, the people of Linzi have had one more thing to talk about. Officials and aristocratic families are flocking to it. Although the people can't afford it, they still like to go there to see the excitement. Occasionally, a few scholars talked about the situation outside the court, and no one paid attention to the situation in the palace.

    It seems that apart from the day when Marquis Chen returned to the city, this incident did not cause any ripples.

    Ye Zhou didn't plan to pitch a tent around the supermarket this time - it was in the wilderness before, so there was really no choice.

    Ye Zhou didn't need to receive any guests when he opened the door for business this time, and the employees were already enough to take care of themselves.

    It's not that no one is making trouble, but it's mostly a conflict between the rich and powerful, and it has nothing to do with the store, just beat the two out together.

    Now it is a seller's market, only those who are holding money and belongings are begging to buy things, and there is no situation where things cannot be sold.

    Ye Zhou did not sell technological products to the dignitaries, but sold them luxury goods that are difficult to obtain in this era-sugar, salt, and wine. These three things are enough, let alone a bunch of unsightly things. Gadgets used in China.

    Such as crystal ball dolls and glass products.

    The most popular of these are sugar and salt.

    Ye Zhou knew that candy was popular. After all, Chen Hou ate candy and got tooth decay, but he didn't expect it to attract a carnival from the whole people.

    In order to prevent the aristocratic families from buying sugar from him and selling it to the common people at a high price, Ye Zhou also asked Wu Yan and the others to set up a stall at the entrance of the supermarket. The sugar is poor, but the presentation is not good, so even if the rich and powerful see it, they will not feel that they have lost money.

    These bulk candies are still not cheap, but the common people can afford them anyway, and the peddlers and pawns walking around the streets can occasionally buy one to bring sweet mouths to their children, mothers-in-law and aunts.

    Ye Zhou asked Chen Shu to rent a house near the supermarket, preferably bigger so that all the employees of the supermarket could live in it.

    At that time, they will repair the house again, and it will basically be able to live in people.

    Chen Shu is the most suitable candidate. In her battle, even if someone who is not good-looking dares to provoke her, she can smash the opponent's jaw with one punch.

    And although she is tall, she is a woman, and women are more approachable than men.

    The most important point is that her eloquence is much better than Zou Ming and Zhou Yuanhe.

    As long as Zou Ming is not in front of Ye Zhou, unless necessary, he will not speak easily, and he can stand aside and act as a tree.

    Zhou Yuanhe had a bitter look on his face, as if he was being abused every day. Ye Zhou was afraid that the gentleman among the natives would "rescue" Zhou Yuanhe as soon as he saw him.

    Besides, the doctor is a doctor beyond his time, and Ye Zhou was afraid that he would be taken away with a sap.

    After Chen Shu asked Ye Zhou in detail what kind of house he wanted, he set off.

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