Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

    In the darkness, Wu Yan could hear the heavy breathing of the person wielding the axe. He couldn't see the opponent's face clearly, but he could clearly perceive how tall the opponent was. At that moment, Wu Yan stood stiffly in the original place. land, waiting for their established destiny.

    There was a sudden change—


    With a loud noise, Wu Yan didn't wait for the ax that would kill him, he fell to the ground belatedly, the stinging pain from his buttocks brought back his reason, It was also this stabbing pain that made him see clearly the hellish scene in front of him.

    The petite little girl leaped high like a ghost, her golden curly hair blocked the moonlight, her pale skin set off her blood-red eyes, her fingers were elongated like dead branches, and a large piece of hair hung from her slender nails. flesh.

    The stench of blood made Wu Yan speechless in horror. He stared blankly at the scene in front of him, his mind completely stopped.

    Sarah stepped on the back of the man she kicked, and the surroundings suddenly became quiet.

    The petite girl defeats the tall and strong man, the most outrageous words can't make up such a plot.

    Not only Wu Yan and the others, but also those who attacked from the forest.

    Sarah's five fingers folded together and pierced fiercely through the man's vest.

    The sharp nails pierced the skin and made a scalp-numbing sound.

    Everyone stopped what they were doing, and watched as Sarah tore the man's heart out of his back so easily.

    Sarah threw the beating heart aside casually, raised her hand, squinted her eyes, and licked the blood remaining between her fingers as if intoxicated.

    At this time, she is more terrifying than all the monsters and ghosts in all ghost legends.

    "What are you afraid of?" Sarah broke the deathly silence in the forest by herself, she raised her eyebrows at Wu Yan, "He is not stronger than you, if you admit defeat in your heart, you will drop your weapon, without me, you will die I'm here, but you can't always have me by your side."

    Wu Yan's throat seemed to be pinched by a hand, and he couldn't make a sound.

    "Demon, monster!!" Someone yelled.

    There were loud yells, and the sound of tripping over dead branches while running away followed one after another.

    Sarah didn't care about Wu Yan and the others who were sitting slumped on the ground.

    The muscles of her legs swelled in a way that was almost ferociously twisted, and her thin legs suddenly became strangely tangled. No one could see how she ran out. The wind blowing.

    The man is running away, he can't hear anything, and the tip of his nose can no longer smell the smell of blood, all he can think of is "Run!".

    Run as far as you can, and stay as far away from that horrible monster as possible!

    He is not a Taoist priest, a monk, or a sorceress, he is just a mortal, and he cannot deal with such a monster!


    The man couldn't run anymore.

    Just now he still had the strength to run wildly, but when the word "safety" appeared, all the strength in his body suddenly disappeared.

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