Chapter 158

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Chapter 158

On the eve of Stan's departure, the guys were depressed, and they didn't talk much to each other, and when they did, they were listless.

But Stan didn't spoil them - he had to leave if he didn't want to, they came to buy goods to make money, not to enjoy themselves.

It's heaven here for the guys.

They lived for four days, and they enjoyed it for four days. They didn't even have to go out of the house to eat and drink.

Every morning at dawn, someone brings food, with milky snow-white bread, and jam or butter to spread.

Put two slices of lettuce and ham on top, with a glass of milk, it will wake you up even if you are sleeping.

One silver coin per person per day, but no one feels that it's a loss-although they don't give the money themselves, the dishes are different every day, and the portions are sufficient. The chef did a poor job.

Stan also wants to abduct the chef here. Although he is not very old, he has seen a lot of worlds and eaten a lot of food, and those delicacies that are hyped in other people's mouths are just like that in his opinion.

The food preparation methods of the nobles are very cumbersome, but the taste... Anyway,

Stan ate it in his mouth, and it tasted almost the same as if he hadn't processed it.

Things are easy to buy, but chefs are not so easy to find. Chefs are passed down from generation to generation, masters are passed down to apprentices, or parents are passed down to children. There are not many dishes, not to mention eating every day, one or two months is enough.

But it is impossible for him to support a bunch of cooks.

The salary of the cook is much higher than that of the buddy! It hurts Stan to have one.

Although he knew in his heart that he would not be able to take the cook here, Stan still cheekily ran to Ye Zhou and asked if he could buy a recipe, and he patted his chest to promise: "I'm sure it's only for myself. Eat."

Ye Zhou smiled, but didn't take it seriously, a businessman doesn't want to make money? A three-year-old would not believe this.

So Ye Zhou said: "I can give you the recipe, but you have to spend money to buy it. As long as you pay the price, you can do whatever you want with the recipe after you get it.

" a sum of money.

But even so, the "recipes" he bought were only soy sauce and cakes.

With his pockets already empty, Stan couldn't afford any more money for other cookbooks.

When Stan came, he only brought people, but when he left, he took a convoy with him. When he came, everyone was on horseback, and when he left, the guys were all on foot.

Ye Zhou was considerate and gave them tarpaulins to cover the goods. After all, the porcelain was okay, once the tea got wet, Stan would lose everything. Stan was so grateful that he wished he could squeeze out two tears to express his feelings.

But Ye Zhou just laughed.

The businessman's tears came as soon as he said it, better than some actors.

"Your Highness! You wait until I finish selling this batch of goods!" Stan poked his head out of the door as soon as he got into the carriage, and shouted at Ye Zhou.

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