Chapter 125

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Chapter 125

On the day of his departure, Ye Zhou did not notify Chen Hou in advance.

He didn't want to see the crowd roaring and tsunami when he left. The bigger the battle, the more headache he had.

But probably knowing that Ye Zhou was leaving, Chen Hou would come to see him almost every day. Sometimes he came by himself, sometimes he brought the prince with him, and sometimes Zhao Xue was with him.

Today, Zhao Xue has a clear official position and has become a prince teacher.

This official position is not low but not high, so that Zhao Xue will not feel that she is underestimated, and it will not make the aristocratic family feel hostile towards him.

Ye Zhou felt that Zhao Xue enjoyed his current life very much. He followed Chen Hou with a neither humble nor overbearing attitude. Whenever he had the opportunity to get along with Ye Zhou, he would like to stick to Ye Zhou and answer all questions about imperial examinations and laws. Ask them all.

In fact, Ye Zhou didn't have much information about the law, because the times were different, and the imperial examination system had to be revised according to the current situation, let alone the law.

But although he did not give them the criminal law, he gave the civil law.

Nowadays, all countries in the world actually have their own criminal laws, but the content is different.

For example, in the state of Lu, although it has not yet proposed that the emperor commits the same crime as the common people, it has strictly stipulated the consequences of killing and wounding people in the royal family. Although they still do not have to pay for their lives, they must accept punishment.

But no matter which country, there is no law against the livelihood of ordinary people.

There is no marriage law in every country, no inheritance law, etc., it is all based on convention.

Compared with criminal law, Zhao Xue is more interested in civil law.

He was not from a noble family, and he didn't feel that these laws against ordinary people were trivial matters.

On the contrary, he held the pile of materials almost day and night, not only reading it himself, but also invited many staff.

These staff members were all known when he lived in the house prepared by Ye Zhou, and they were all people of insight who he thought had mountains in their hearts after careful selection.

When this group of people stayed together, they really put all their energy into civil law.

As for the criminal law, Chen Hou sent another person to change it.

It can't be done without reform, this is not modern, the resources are not enough, and the sentence is useless to feed the criminals? There are no factories here.

It would be better to just drag the criminal to work as a coolie. If the prison sentence expires in a few years, then the sin will be redeemed, and if he dies within the sentence, there will be no problem.

What's more, the criminal law is too detailed to apply here. There are no modern methods to solve the case, and there is not so much manpower and material resources invested in it. Therefore, the revision really made the scholars promoted by Chen Hou scratch their heads.

But Marquis Chen did not stop because of amending these two laws. He quickly promulgated the 20th rank and the decree on farming and warfare.

Because Chen Hou's previous actions caused an uproar in the whole country, even though the changes were so big this time, the people couldn't get up. After hearing it, they just thought that if it could be implemented, being a soldier would not be a hard job.

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