Chapter 201 - 202

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Chapter 201

After finally "escaping" from the town, Ye Zhou was still a little dizzy when he returned to the supermarket.

He doesn't like the occasion of "all attention". If the people watching him don't speak, then he can calm down a bit, but if there is a disturbance, Ye Zhou can't help it.

So before, he always wanted to do some "miracles" to quiet the locals first.

"Sarah sent there?" Chen Shu asked Ye Zhou, "Where are we going now?"

Ye Zhou: "Go pick up Zou Ming first, and then go back to Daliang Dynasty. Wu Yan and his family of three want to go back. It won't grow up."

It's not easy to take care of a baby. Ye Zhou sometimes feels tired just looking at it. The baby is too young, so he has to be taken care of by adults when eating and drinking. No matter how good the baby is, it will always cry at night. Although the sound insulation of the dormitory is good, But if you can't quarrel with others, you always have to quarrel with Wu Yan and his wife.

He has not yet reached the point where he has to let his employees work for him all the time.

"Let me check the time." Ye Zhou sat in the office and set the time on the computer, "Set it to ten years after we left 276?"

Chen Shu: "About that time, it should be that time."

Ye Zhou felt a little Miracle: "We're going back as soon as we left."

Chen Shu jokingly said, "Because of Zou Ming--"

She made a weird, protracted voice, but Ye Zhou wasn't angry at all. Like Shu, he forced himself to be calm and said, "If it were you, I would go too."

Chen Shu said "Hey", obviously not believing it.

Ye Zhou lowered his head slightly, the roots of his ears were already red.

Strange to say, when he faced the immature Zou Ming, he had no other thoughts at all-he didn't regard him as an equal at all.

Looking down at the boy from a height, he only felt pitiful and amiable, but there was absolutely no "love".

This may be "partiality". It is obviously the same person, but if he is attracted to Xiao Zou Ming, then he is really inhuman, and he will despise himself.

"Let's go." Ye Zhou coughed lightly and pressed the button.

The second plane jump in a short period of time is also a novel experience for the employees.

Cao'er and Zhou Yuanhe sat in the rest area, watching the scenery change rapidly outside the window together, Zhou Yuanhe dragged his chin, sitting on the sofa with a boneless look, he sighed: "Hey, I'm going to be busy again.

" Cao'er said strangely: "How do you know you have to be busy? Can you predict?!"

Although she has experienced so many planes, Cao'er still does not change her superstitious nature.

Zhou Yuanhe: "You can guess it all. When Zou Ming oppressed me, he didn't have a bad conscience."

He sighed again.

Cao'er: "You are saving people! This is a matter of accumulating virtue."

Zhou Yuanhe knew that he and Cao'er couldn't make sense, so he shook his head and sighed again.

After sighing, the supermarket landed smoothly, and the scenery outside the window also stabilized.

Only this time, no one had any curiosity about the scenery here, it was the same as before leaving-there was still yellow sand everywhere, and the air seemed to be twisting and burning.

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