Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

In the security lounge next to the entrance of the supermarket, Ye Zhou was looking at the mother and daughter who were desperately stuffing food into their mouths. It was the first time he saw people eating like beasts, and he didn't know they were them until he brought them in. .

You really can't tell a man from a man just by looks.

They have become so thin that they have lost their femininity.

The older of the two didn't die, he just fainted from ecstasy, and woke up after smelling the aroma of porridge.

Ye Zhou didn't intend to ask them questions at this time, so he let them eat first.

Neither mother nor daughter used spoons, but grabbed them directly with their hands. They didn't let go of a single grain of rice. At the end of the meal, they even licked up the remaining rice soup at the bottom of the bowl.

The way they eat can only be described as hideous.

Ye Zhou was glad that he still remembered that people who have been hungry for a long time can't eat too much in one sitting, and they can't eat meat, so he only warmed up two servings of instant porridge for them.

He also specially selected green vegetables.

He doesn't know if Ye Zhou's care touched the mother and daughter.

But he really touched himself badly.

The mother and daughter were still hungry after eating, their stomachs were always flat, but even if their stomachs were full, their mouths would not be full.

The long-term hunger prevents them from giving up any food. As long as they can eat, they will continue to eat.

When they were still in their hometown, they couldn't eat white rice. Although their family grew rice, the rice left after paying the rent and land tax was not enough for their family to feed for a year, so they had to sell the rice for cheaper food.

When the times are bad, they also live on chaff.

There are also chickens at home, but the chickens are used to lay eggs. Once the eggs are saved, they can be exchanged for salt and needlework in the town.

As far back as Cao'er could remember, she had never eaten white rice. She didn't feel that the gods gave too little, but hated herself for eating too fast, before she could feel the taste.

"Finish?" Cao'er heard a gentle male voice.

She has lived to this age, and she has never heard such a beautiful voice!

She didn't dare to look at him, or even raise her head to speak.

Her voice was like a mosquito: "Immortal, immortal, eat, finish eating..."

Ye Zhou: "You have been hungry for too long, you can't eat too much in one go, or you will burst your stomach."

Cao'er couldn't understand, but she I think what the fairy said is right!

The fairy said that if she eats again, she will burst her stomach, so she will definitely burst her stomach!

"Immortal! I kowtow to you!" Cao'er's mother supported the table with one hand, moved the chair with one leg, and was about to kneel down to Ye Zhou again. She is a country person, and she has never seen anyone more decent than a landlord in her life. She couldn't think of anything else to do except kneel and kowtow.

When she was a girl, she went up to the mountain to worship Buddha with her parents. They both said that it is sincere to break her head, and the Buddha blessed her.

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