Chapter 62

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Chapter 62

After practicing the gun for a month, Ye Zhou felt that he was still reborn and became a sharpshooter.

He looked the same as before he left. After all, he had to be wrapped up tightly when he left the base every day. Even if he wanted to get a tan, he didn't have the opportunity.

Originally, Ye Zhou wanted to continue going out with the soldiers every day, but he could clearly feel the changes in his body.

He didn't get stronger, but both physical strength and endurance were much better than when he started.

Even if he is busy all morning, he will not feel tired, and he will exercise with Zou Ming for a while before going to bed.

At the beginning, I could only do dozens of push-ups, but now I can do hundreds.

This change surprised Ye Zhou-who doesn't want their health to be good?

In good health, he escaped faster than others.

However, because of Yang Guoqin's arrival, Ye Zhou had to go back to the supermarket, and he still had business to do.

"The farm has been built?" Ye Zhou was a little surprised, "So fast?"

He changed his clothes, white short sleeves and jeans, making him look like a student who hasn't left school yet.

Yang Guoqin said with a smile: "It's finished, I didn't plan to build it too well, and it can be rebuilt and added later."

Ye Zhou said simply: "Okay, I understand that I will send you the chickens and ducks that have been negotiated. Right?"

After all, they haven't hatched yet, and the price of fertilized eggs in the system is very cheap, cheaper than live chickens and ducks. There are not many corn cakes left in the base, and more and more residents rely on supermarket cornmeal to earn the difference. less.

Yang Guoqin: "I'm still going to use a gun to pay the bill this time."

Ye Zhou had no objection: "Then you can pick me a better sniper."

Yang Guoqin thought of something, he took a bottle of Coke and smiled: "I know, those fools now think you are me from other The sharpshooter who was transferred."

"You really never used a sniper before?"

Ye Zhou was a little proud, but he still reserved: "This may be talent."

Even Chen Shu praised him like that.

Something that is extremely difficult for some is as simple as drinking water for others.

When he was studying, Ye Zhou didn't understand why some students felt that they didn't study hard, but their test scores were so good.

After a long time, I can only comfort myself, everyone has their own good and bad things.

There's no need to compare your own weaknesses with others' strengths-his grades aren't so bad that he can't pass the second exam.

Yang Guoqin was really curious now: "How did you train? We train snipers, and we can't train them in a few years." The

most important thing for snipers is quality, patience and endurance.

And most soldiers are not suitable, their patience is limited, and seeing zombies is more like going forward with a gun, rather than lurking aside and waiting for an opportunity.

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