Chapter 140

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Chapter 140

No one knew what was going on, it happened so fast, and before they even had time to react, they found out that the town had changed hands.

The townspeople stood on the street in fear, looking at each other, but they didn't dare to take a step towards the castle.

Although they knew that they could have their current lives because of the vampires in the castle, they didn't dare to protect them, let alone fight against the people who "occupied" the castle now.

The other party can even control vampires and kill even guards, so can't they deal with them?

Some people want to escape, but they are reluctant to part with the belongings in the house.

Some people think that even if they change owners, they may still be vampires, and they still need them to work for him.

"I don't know if the Duke is okay." Someone said worriedly while packing up his things, "If the Duke is okay, she will definitely take back this town, and then we can come back." His family didn't talk, although

they They all hope so, but they all feel that there is no hope.

"Where can we go now?" The inquiring person put down the things in his hand, and he looked out the window blankly, the dark clouds covered the sun, the sun couldn't pierce the clouds, and the light rain gradually became heavier, and could drench the people on the street into a drenched chicken .

"Go back to your hometown."

"Can you go back?" Someone asked in a low voice, "So many neighbors and relatives who defected to us..." "

Just say they want to stay here?" It is impossible to write a letter back."

There are no messengers in remote villages, and they cannot get news from the outside world. People who leave the village are not much different from death to them.

"That's right." The man breathed a sigh of relief, "Look at how much money is left at home, and take food, don't forget clothes and blankets, and pots..." After talking,

he found that he had a bunch of things It needs to be taken away, but they don't have a donkey cart, so they can't take so much.

But no matter how I think about it, I don't know what I should give up. It seems that everything is very precious and can be put to great use.

The human race can still go back to their hometown, while other races can only stand in the rain on the street-compared with the human race, other races are more reluctant to leave the gathering place of the ethnic group. They leave either because their hometown has been destroyed by natural disasters, or they are escaped slaves.

Out of here, they have nowhere to go.

"The new owner will keep us, right?"

"We can do a lot of things, I can squeeze oil!"

"I, I can weave, I can weave, really!"


They looked up in despair, In the direction of the castle.

When they heard the loud noise and left the town, less than half a day later, the town changed.

On the road close to the castle there was the body of the guard, they didn't even find any wounds on the body, only blood.

There were no knife wounds, no sword wounds. Compared with the bloody corpse, such a corpse terrified them more.

Corpses blocked their approach to the castle.

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