Chapter 116

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Chapter 116

    Ye Zhou didn't expect that the children of aristocratic families in this era would be so wild.

    Ever since Baiyu entered the lounge, those eyes like spotlights had never moved away from Ye Zhou.

    Having lived to such an age, even though Ye Zhou knew that he was good-looking, he had never met such a "idiot" as Bai Yu. Even though he had seen many big scenes, under Bai Yu's gaze, he still felt his back trembling. cold.

    Ye Zhou coughed lightly, and Bai Yu finally came to his senses. He seemed to have completely forgotten the purpose of coming here, and just asked foolishly: "Mr. is so handsome, why are you here? ?"

    Ye Zhou frowned subconsciously when he said those words.

    Opening a supermarket was his childhood dream. When someone said that, the smile on Ye Zhou's mouth disappeared almost immediately.

    But Bai Yu still didn't stop, he continued: "Sir, why don't you go to Zhao country with me? I am a child of the Bai family, and I will treat you as a guest of honor." He blinked his eyes and winked


    Now the goosebumps on Ye Zhou's arms also rose.

    Is this person's sexual orientation male?

    Ye Zhou guessed very plainly.

    Perhaps because of the experience of Luoyang Base and Minzel Continent, Ye Zhou has accepted that people can have various sexual orientations.

    In the Luoyang base, Ye Zhou saw the choice of different genders by people, but in Minzel Continent, people can choose between animals.

    Ye Zhou smiled at Bai Yu: "Didn't Mr. Bai come to discuss business with me?"

    Bai Yu was about to speak, but the nurse next to him couldn't help interrupting him. Although the nurse was not a son of a family, he grew up with Bai Yu since he was a child, and the enjoyment and education he received was no worse than that of any son of a family. Although he can't embark on an official career, the general affairs of the Bai family will be handed over to him in the future.

    "Sir, you have so many novelty goods, so you won't be short of money if you think about it." Brother Nai grabbed Bai Yu's arm and motioned Bai Yu to shut up. He looked into Ye Zhou's eyes and said in a gentle tone, "My son and I Hao came here this time under the order of the Patriarch, please enter Zhao."

    Ye Zhou shook his head and said unceremoniously: "I have no intention of leaving Chen Guo, if you two come to do business with me, I naturally welcome , if it is to make me leave Chen Guo, then we have nothing to say."

    Baiyu finally couldn't help but said: "Chen Guo is weak, what good can Mr. stay in Chen Guoneng? If you go back to Zhao with me, even if Mr. I can also enjoy these goods in Zhao Guo."

    Brother Nai turned his head and glanced at Bai Yu, as if he wanted to beat him to death or sew his mouth shut.

    He knew that Baiyu would hold back, but he didn't expect him to be so slow.

    Ye Zhou didn't respond to Bai Yu's words, but looked at Brother Nai calmly.

    Brother Nai continued: "In this case, I don't force it. I'm afraid Zihao and I will stay in Linzi for a while, and I'm afraid we will disturb Mr.

    Ye Zhou: "It's okay."

    Brother Nai put the wooden box he was carrying in the On the table, he opened the wooden box in front of Ye Zhou. Inside was a piece of green jade wall. Even if Ye Zhou didn't know what kind of jade it was, he could tell it was worth a lot.

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