Chapter 182

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Chapter 182

On the open space next to the slums, those strange RVs had already moved away, and a simple but not crude small house stood up in this open space. In one night, the signboard was hung on this house, and it was even painted. Painted as if it didn't pop up overnight but has always been there.

The woman came out of the tin house. She rubbed her shoulders tiredly, preparing to change some water and food, and rest after eating.

As soon as she walked out, she found strange noises coming from the usually quiet slum at this time.

During the day, people in the slums don't talk much even if they don't sleep-speech and action consume energy. They would rather lie on the ground and try their best not to lose their energy too quickly.

The woman walked unsteadily towards the crowd in front of her.

It's a ghetto spectacle that so many people get together instead of lying flat to sleep.

"I saw it! They brought food in!" The old man who looked like an old man stood in the middle of the crowd with a head of thin and gray hair, and said with dancing, "There must be food!" The old man looked like he was seven or eighty,

but The woman knew that this "old man" was actually less than forty years old.

It's just that there are few people in the slums who have lived past twenty-five years, and those who have passed thirty are rare in ancient times.

The woman was even a little surprised. Are there so many people in the slums?

She was snatched from another base by Zhao Qing's men. At that time, she was less than fourteen years old, and then she was living in a slum. Compared with most of the people who were snatched, her luck was not bad, at least not Cut open to sell organs.

Some large bases still have medical conditions, but they are only available to the big shots at the top.

The big shots in each base, as long as they can afford the money, can go there to change their organs when they have problems.

The people in front were crowded, and a group of people with only ribs left was bone to bone, calling for people around them to stay away, and the bones hurt themselves.

"The people nearby said it was built last night." Someone in the front discussed in a low voice, "It's very open, it's made of wood, can't you tell? I thought it was built of cement, so it shouldn't be a house? Who would?" Build a house here?"

"I don't know what it is."

"Such a house shouldn't be built here, right?"

The woman also stood on tiptoe, stretched her neck and looked towards the place blocked by people-but the distance was too far Oh, and she's too short to see the house in people's mouths.

The stomach is not full, the nutrition is insufficient, the height of the woman is less than 1.5 meters, and the hair is as thin as the old man, but she is not bald yet.

She is petite, like only a handful of bones sticking to the skin, her chin is so sharp that it seems to be able to pierce her own chest, her eyesight is not good, even if someone walks in front of her, she can't see the other person's face clearly.

But relying on her short stature, the woman got into the crowd and slowly moved forward as the crowd crowded.

She was sweating from moving, and when she was about to collapse from exhaustion, she was finally pushed by the people behind her, and she came to the front of the crowd, and saw the strange house.

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