Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Before dawn, the hour hand had just pointed to five o'clock, but the base had already woken up.

Lights were lit on the side of the road, and the residents took to the streets, walking numbly to their jobs.

Their work is very complicated. Except for a few people who can enter the factory, most of them can only engage in some low-wage and insecure jobs. Most non-factory employees also have part-time jobs-going to dispose of zombie corpses outside the barbed wire.

Since the base has limited supplies, it does not burn it, but bury the headshot zombies.

Almost all the residents in the base have done this part-time job. Although it is hard and tiring, and it is accompanied by huge risks, the income is not low.

They are all used to the tide of corpses that come in from time to time, and all their efforts are just to survive, and they have no hope for the future.

After all, it has been more than thirty years, not only have the zombies not turned into bones and disappeared, but the number has also increased, and the tide of corpses has become bigger and bigger every time.

The scope of human activities is getting smaller and smaller, and the types of food are getting poorer and poorer. There is no fatter person in the base, almost everyone is sallow and thin, and many people suffer from long-term malnutrition.

The average life expectancy is less than fifty.

The residents walked on the road like worker ants, and more than a dozen young people gathered together. They wore the cheapest and most produced work cloth suits, their hair was dull and yellow, and they looked less than fifteen.

Although they will also receive combat training, they will not be paid for the training. They will only be provided with tortillas to ensure that they will not starve to death. Welfare.

But even so, they still have to rely on their families to support them.

"Have you brought everything together?" The leader was a skinny girl with a hideous scar on her face, which ruined a pretty face. She put on a mask, "When people ask you, you all remember How should I put it?"

Others nodded: "Let's say we're over fifteen." You

can only work part-time when you're fifteen. The girl looked in the direction of the city wall: " Have you brought

your ID card?" "I have all of it." "Can you really fool me?" Girl: "It's human eyes, not a machine, how could it be discovered." ID card It's just a piece of paper. The printing factory at the base has long since shut down, and the school only teaches literacy. The labor force cannot stay on campus all the time. If they want to learn, they can only save money to buy books for self-study. But the library in the base is always empty, and everyone is busy with life, so there is really no spare energy to pursue spiritual life. Today is the first day when the tide of corpses recedes, because there may be zombies that have only injured their spines and have not been completely killed, so many people are unwilling to be the first to clean up the zombies, and because of this, the first The daily wages are higher than ever. People who have a stable job or have a surplus of food at home will not take this risk. "Lingling, will you join the army when you are old?" Someone asked the leading girl as they headed towards the city wall. The girl said calmly: "They won't want me." Her body was too poor, not only malnutrition, hypoglycemia, but also heart disease. It seemed that she was born to be a drag bottle, no matter how hard she tried , can't change your own destiny.

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