Chapter 193 - 194

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Chapter 193

Except for Zhao Qing, the others had no tendency to resist at all.

Ye Zhou listened for more than ten minutes. What these people probably meant was that resistance is necessary, otherwise we can't negotiate, but he has few people in his hands, so it's better to let those with more people take the lead.

None of them are easy, and none of them want to go.

Ye Zhou was so speechless that he felt that talking to them was a waste of time.

Only Zhao Qing had a different opinion. After hearing these nonsense solutions, he couldn't bear it and said with a cold face: "You are resisting like this now? Why should Risheng negotiate? Is it because you are stupid or not?" Are they stupid enough?"

This was the first time Zhao Qing said such a serious word.

The usual "good old man" suddenly loses his temper and says a bad word, which is very powerful.

Everyone was silent.

Only then did Zhao Qing continue to say: "When you usually go to fight those small bases, will you negotiate with them? Especially when we are in short supply of supplies? We don't have enough people, so why let them out?

" Do you want someone? As long as you are not the one who dies, will you care?"

This time he was really angry, even with a smile on his face, it was a fake smile, with vicious indifference and sarcasm.

Ye Zhou felt that this was Zhao Qing's own evil - it was Zhao Qing who made these people fools, otherwise he would not be able to sit firmly in his current position.

He not only wants this group of people to be fools, but also wants this group of fools to have brains at critical moments. Unless this group of people is rebuilt, it cannot be changed.

Zhao Qing: "Only when they can't beat us will they negotiate, but we can beat us, why should we negotiate with them?"

"What's more, it's not that we have no chance of winning."

After speaking, Zhao Qing looked at Ye Zhou, and everyone subconsciously followed Zhao Qing's gaze.

Ye Zhou became the center of sight.

He was very calm, and said as if it had nothing to do with

him: "I don't sell weapons here." Ye Zhou didn't worry about his own safety. Confidence can get out of the body.

Sarah, who can eat and drink enough, has already looked like she will be in the future. Whether it is speed, reaction, or even the speed of wound healing, it has been significantly improved. Although Chen Shu seems to be more intimidating, Sarah is the only one among the employees. The pinnacle of force value.

Even Zou Ming, who focuses on close combat, is at most 50-50 with Sarah.

After all, human beings have an upper limit, and the upper limit of vampires is much higher than that of humans. Just because they will not die if they are not hit in the heart by a silver bullet, humans cannot catch up.

When Zhao Qing was about to speak again, Ye Zhou said, "I'm here to do business. I'll do business with whoever is strong and rich."

Zhao Qing looked at Ye Zhou as if he was the first Get to know Ye Zhou.

Although everyone thought so, but to say such a thing under such circumstances, either Ye Zhou was crazy or he was sure that no one here could hurt him.

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