Chapter 171

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Chapter 171

Candles were burning in the single-family wooden house, and the candlelight was flickering. The family was lying on the ground, with sheets randomly spread on their bodies.

At this time, it was not long before dawn, and the old woman tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

"Why don't you sleep?" The husband couldn't fall asleep either, turning over and looking at his wife.

The old woman whispered, "What about our land?"

If you live in a town, you will have to walk a long way to plant the land, and when it's harvest time, what will you do if someone steals the grain?

The husband didn't think it was a big deal: "I still live in the old house during the busy farming days, and usually go back to the town to sleep." "

The two boys won't go out when the farming is busy." The husband patted his wife on the back, "There are three men in the family, don't worry."

It seemed that this was the same thing, and the old lady finally felt relieved.

The land is their life, and they have no other means of subsistence except farming.

"After the autumn harvest today, I will buy a few more pieces of land next to the town when I earn money." The husband whispered, "When the time comes, I will bring my two boys to plant the previous land, and you will plant it here." "I heard

before They said that the people in the town can train." The husband cheered up, "Maybe he will patrol in the future, so it will be safer." The nobles

have their own soldiers and knights, but soldiers and knights are not used to protect civilians. On the contrary, they don't bully the common people, and it's good if they don't ask the common people for money. In general villages, no nobles will take care of them personally, and they will all be handed over to the small officials below, and it is even more impossible for small officials to send people to protect the farmers. up.

For farmers, the biggest fear is meeting people who damage their fields and crops.

Bandits are not common, but people who destroy other people's land and crops can be seen everywhere. If they are not good, they hope that others will live worse than themselves.

"Go to sleep." The old woman no longer panicked, she turned her head and looked at the three daughters sleeping beside her.

Slowly, she let out a sigh of relief, although she will have to go back and forth between the town and her own field in the future, it is always safe to live here.

In the town, even if there were only three girls looking after the house, no one would dare to barge in. After all, there were people in the front, back, left, and right sides. As long as you yelled, everyone around you could hear it.

The girls are all asleep, and their bodies are no longer curled up, but slowly unfolded.

This house has two floors, with a total of five rooms. Although it is not possible for the children to live in one room, it is enough.

After all, in their original house, everyone was crowded together and slept on the floor. I had never seen what the bed looked like, but this house also had a kitchen.

The whole family fell into a deep sleep.

The sunlight came in from the window and fell on them, as if covering everyone with a thin layer of veil.

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