Chapter 144

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Chapter 144

Joel is dead.

Ye Zhou didn't even know who Joel was when he got the news.

The cause of death was hanging.

While his parents were asleep, he hanged himself with a hemp rope.

Ye Zhou just sighed when he saw his age, sixteen years old.

After Chen Shu took someone to dispose of the corpse, he told him that Joel's parents were very sad, but they seemed to be in good spirits, and there was a high probability that they would not die with their son.

"I remember him." Sarah patted Ye Zhou's knee when Ye Zhou was reading the materials, as if she wanted to sit on Ye Zhou's lap, she looked up at Ye Zhou, "When my leg was not broken, he Gave me a piece of bread."

Sarah's recollection was vague, but she remembered Joel, probably because Joel was one of the few people who had kindness towards her.

At that time, she was sitting on the side of the road in ragged clothes, curled up dirty, her long hair covered her face, and all the townspeople saw her as if they didn't see her. They all knew that she was the "human being" in the castle. ", is a "person" who is not liked by the Duke, and who is bullied and ignored.

They dared not give her anything, or even stop in front of her.

Only Joel dared, perhaps because Joel's parents hid him too well. He didn't know Sarah's identity, and he didn't think deeply about why there was such a poor person like Sarah in such a perfect town.

He gave her a small piece of bread, and then quickly left Sarah's sight under the greeting of his companions.

That's when she knew his name.

But Sarah didn't have any feelings for Joel, even very shallow gratitude. When Joel was mentioned, Sarah's tone hardly fluctuated at all.

Ye Zhou was a little strange: "You have no opinion on his death?"

Sarah found that Ye Zhou was not going to hug her, so she could only sit on a low stool beside her, took a bag of dried fried peppers from the coffee table, and ate them while eating. Said: "I don't know, I don't feel it."

Before meeting Ye Zhou, her world was gloomy, and her eyes seemed to be covered with a black veil.

Joel is not a light that can penetrate that layer of veil, maybe it was briefly lit, but it passed in a flash.

Besides, her memory is very poor. It is difficult for her to remember anything, let alone remember her emotions when it happened.

Sarah handed a fried chili to Ye Zhou's mouth, and said expectantly, "It's delicious, try it."

Ye Zhou looked at the chili as if he was facing an enemy, and his mouth began to secrete it unconsciously. Saliva, he could even imagine how many glasses of water he would have to drink after eating this pepper.

But Sarah kept raising her arms, very determined to let Ye Zhou have a taste of her favorite delicacy.

There was no way, in order not to make Sarah sad, Ye Zhou could only close his eyes, and ate the pepper in one bite.

He didn't even dare to chew it much, he just chewed it up and swallowed it.

Maybe he ate too fast. Sarah thought Ye Zhou also liked chili peppers, so she excitedly picked up another one and brought it to Ye Zhou's mouth.

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