Chapter 165

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Chapter 165

"No one was killed, right?" Ye Zhou just asked calmly when he heard about it.

Hamm, who had come over aggressively to inquire about his crimes, was choked.

Ye Zhou and Ham stood at the entrance of the supermarket, looking at the city gate. The city gate is very lively now. Wu Yan and the others have already gone to clean up the mess. The men brought by Jing and Harm stayed there.

Ham found that his "accusation" did not make Ye Zhou bow his head, so he changed his attitude very decisively, and he sighed: "These guys of mine have been cultivated by me with a lot of money and effort, and they are not slaves. , parents and relatives are here, even if they are not dead, I will do something

after being beaten." Before doing this, Ye Zhou might give Ham a face and give him less money for the goods.

But this time because of the transaction involving 50,000 gold coins, Ye Zhou was not so easy to talk about.

Otherwise, give him less this time, even if Hamm didn't instruct him this time, it's hard to say whether Hamm will instruct him next time.

"Mr. Harm didn't take care of his buddy. He really needs to do something." Ye Zhou raised his legs and walked towards the gate of the city.

Ham's expression changed a few times, but he finally trotted after him. He leaned close to Ye Zhou and heard Ye Zhou say again, "If I were you, I wouldn't use such a troublesome fellow." "Business

, It's best if both the seller and the buyer are happy, your buddy can make trouble at my place today, and at someone else's place tomorrow, every time this happens, Mr. Ham should lose a lot of goods and money, right?" Ye Zhou stopped pace.

Ham almost stopped, and was about to fall forward, but it was Ye Zhou who reached out and grabbed Ham's arm, so that Ham didn't fall to the ground.

After standing still, Ham took a deep breath, thanked him first, and then said: "Maybe it's not my buddy who caused the trouble."

Ye Zhou smiled: "That's my buddy who caused the trouble? But the little goblin guarding the city gate It's not my buddy."

Hamm was quiet for a moment, and Ye Zhou continued: "There are so many people living in the town now, and I'm not the lord here, so it's impossible for me to take care of everyone." It seems that he can only admit that he is

unlucky up.

However, Ye Zhou added another sentence: "If they don't have any serious problems, but they damage my things, will Mr. Ham compensate them?" Ham: "..."


kept persuading himself, Ye Zhou sold well Things are priceless, although I am the buyer, but now he is holding the other party, not the other party holding him.

After persuading himself several times, Hamm was finally able to calm down.

Although he hasn't been so angry for many years, it's not like he hasn't lowered his head so much before.

It's just getting back the feeling of the past.

"Of course." There was a smile on Hamm's face, and there was no sign of reluctance.

Ye Zhou nodded, seemingly satisfied: "Then let's go and have a look together."

Hamm could only go out with Ye Zhou.

"By the way, that light needs batteries to work." Ye Zhou, "I'll give you ten pairs of batteries, and you can come back when you run out, but every time you come to buy, you have to take a pair that doesn't work."

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