Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

    After dark, the barren mountain did not return to calm. Wu Yan was digging a hole with a shovel in his hand. Fortunately, the ground is soft now, otherwise he would not be able to lift his arms at this time.

    These corpses cannot be disposed of at will, but it is hot and dry, and they dare not set fire to burn these corpses directly.

    So I had to dig a hole and bury it bitterly—if I didn't bury it, the corpse would rot in two days and maggots would grow out, and the smell might float down the mountain.

    The immortal also said that burying it can nourish the land and atone for the sins they committed on this land.

    Cao'er is also digging a hole, she is small and weak, originally Ye Zhou didn't let her do this job, but Cao'er's mother refused, and Cao'er was asked to do what men do.

    Probably because Cao'er took the lead, the female relatives who brought food and water also began to help dig the hole, and if they didn't have the strength to dig a hole, they would bury the corpse.

    Ye Zhou didn't care about these things. These employees gathered around him as a family unit. Ye Zhou never interfered with their family affairs, unless they attacked each other or violent incidents occurred.

    Compared to Ye Zhou, everyone accepted the corpse better.

    They even talked and laughed while the body was being buried.

    "There's no need for us to do anything!" Li Si said loudly while digging, "Just shoot the arrow! It doesn't take much effort!"

    Chen Liu continued, "You guys haven't seen the power of the magic weapon of the immortal! I just pull that trigger, and I don’t need to do anything else, and the person will fall.”

    Cao’er put her hips on her hips, complaining, “You don’t want to make up the knife! I’m doing it all!”

    They just want to go inside Chong, just wanted to make meritorious deeds, only Cao'er worked hard to make up for the knife with a repeating crossbow, and in the end she could barely lift her hands.

    Wu Yan hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll give you the fruit I saved when I go back."

    Wu Yan took the lead, and the others also said, "I also have the fruit I saved."

    In the supermarket, the air conditioner was turned on all day long. , The empty freezer is also free for them to use, so the fruit can be stored for a long time.

    Although they have been in the supermarket for such a long time, their habit of hoarding has not changed. As long as they think it is a good thing, they will never finish it in one sitting, and they will hoard it no matter how greedy they are.

    They not only stock up on fruits, but also long-lasting grains, bacon and dried fish.

    Ye Zhou didn't stop him either. He could understand this habit of hoarding. His grandparents still hoarded things until he crossed over. For them, this was already a habit engraved in their bones.

    Those days of starvation left a deep imprint on their souls.

    "What's wrong? Haven't recovered yet?" Sarah climbed up the boulder, sat next to Ye Zhou, and passed a lollipop from her hand.

    Ye Zhou's attention shifted: "Can you eat lollipops?"

    Sarah nodded: "I took the chili flavored one, and the spicy taste is pain."

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