Chapter 161

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Chapter 161

The carriage was driving unsteadily on the bumpy road, and Stan was sitting in the carriage, flatteringly chatting with the big businessman sitting opposite him.

In front of the car and behind the car, there is almost no end to the line.

The big businessman is a middle-aged man who looks more decent than Stan. He has a small mustache, which has been carefully groomed with sheep oil, and even made into a sideways shape. She wrapped herself tightly, and even buttoned the top button of her collar.

The buttons all over his body are made of rhinestones, and the perfectly cut rhinestones reflect bright light when they are illuminated by the sun.

There was a ceramic brooch pinned to his chest, which made him dare not even make big moves, after all, everyone knew that ceramics were fragile.

Fragile, rare, and beautiful, it is a luxury in itself.

"It's really desolate here." The big businessman looked out the car window. He didn't even see a decent village along the way. The villages here are all one house on the east and one house on the west. The distance from each other is very far, and there is not even a street .

Stan nodded. He felt the same way when he came here for the first time. He couldn't even believe that there is a shop here that can buy and sell porcelain. , I'm afraid I won't have a chance."

There are snakes in every bustling city, and it's impossible to spit out what others eat.

Big businessman: "That's right, but the people here have never thought about selling porcelain?"

Stan smiled: "The young people here are very smart, they only sell rhinestones, they dare not touch tea and porcelain."

This made the big businessman interested. He has met many small businessmen, most of them can only see the immediate benefits. When they died, they didn't know why they died. When building a network of relationships, he did not dare to compete with big businessmen for profit.

Businessmen will bow their knees in front of nobles, but they will never show good looks to their colleagues who sell the same things as themselves.

If they give each other a good face, it can only prove that the other party will die soon.

Money is their belief, and anyone who hinders them from making money is a heretic. To treat "heretics", businessmen will use more terrible methods than churches.

"Recently, I'm short of a few useful people." The big businessman said, "Manpower who can manage things and use their brains."

Stan understood, and he smiled: "If those young people are still there, maybe this time it will be If they can be taken away, if they go out, they will have to wait for the next time."

The big businessman did not continue this topic because they had already seen the city gate.

But this time, both the merchant and Stan became dazed and opened their mouths in disbelief.

Unlike the town in Stan's memory, this time the town is no longer deserted.

Dwarves and goblins came and went, they wore unseemly but clean clothes, and they no longer wore strange beards or carried stone axes and knives like the savages in the mountains.

They even had shoes on.

There are also pointy-eared elves walking towards the town with their luggage. The elves bring their families, including the elderly and children, and they will even greet the dwarves and goblins.

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