Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

The Changfeng base is located on the only road between the rear and the front line. The entire base is not only a factory but also a factory. Since the end of the world, in order to increase productivity as much as possible, each base has its own tasks.

Those who produce grain only focus on producing grain, and those engaged in industrial production only focus on production.

In order to stabilize prices, we maintain a uniform price regardless of the origin or other bases.

There is not enough labor, so the working hours are ten hours.

This does not include overtime.

But the workers only have stable jobs and poor living conditions. In order to ensure that they can complete the monthly tasks, the number of machines in a factory often exceeds the limit, and the number of workers is the same.

Over time, the smell in the factory will become particularly unpleasant.

Male and female workers are mixed together, and the smell of sweat and body odor and other odors are everywhere.

Even if the factory must be strictly disinfected when entering and exiting the factory, there is no way to remove the smell produced by the human body itself.

"Qian Lan! Here's your package!" The manager stood at the door of the factory and shouted at the sweating female worker on the assembly line.

The female worker responded loudly: "Understood, I will take it away when I get off work!"

"Your husband sent you something." The aunt next to her said wearing a mask, "Your husband is not bad. I am at the Luoyang base. I heard there Nothing, just two days after the tide of corpses subsided, he probably saved food from his mouth."

Qian Lan smiled: "The child is still here, if he doesn't produce anything, I will take the child and remarry. "

The aunt thought for a moment: "That's right, as a father, he has to do something."

The work Qian Lan and the others did was not difficult. They checked for defective products in the last process of the assembly line, and picked out the defective products. Although this work was not difficult, it was very tiring, and they had to stand all day long. , Even if the hands stop, the eyes cannot stop.

The wages are not as high as those in other positions.

It was already dark when she got off work. After passing the inspection, Qian Lan carried her bag, went to the security room to get the bag, and then walked to the street alone.

The street lights have been turned off, and the off-duty workers can only take out their flashlights.

Qian Lan has no money to buy a flashlight. She has to raise two children. Even her husband will send food and tickets to her in a convoy, but adults can be hungry, but children can't.

Ever since giving birth, Qian Lan felt that she hadn't had a full meal.

She is always concerned about whether the children are full, and she would rather be hungry than let the children eat more.


Qian Lan subconsciously glanced left and right, and was relieved after making sure no one heard her.

She is hungry, she is always hungry, and she drinks water when she wakes up in the middle of the night. It seems that there is always water in her stomach, and she can hear the sound of water sloshing when she walks.

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