Chapter 187

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Chapter 187

Since the opening of the small supermarket, Ye Zhou has not been there twice. He spends almost all of his time on Xiao Zou Ming, and the rest of the time is given to Zhao Qing's group of top people in the base. Although he doesn't go to the supermarket very much, Ye Zhou is still very busy. Not a single gap.

Just as he thought before, Zhao Qing found Ye Zhou again on the third day after the banquet.

And this time he didn't come alone, but with Zhao Lei.

When Ye Zhou opened the door and saw Zhao Qing and Zhao Lei, he was speechless for a moment, but he politely asked them to come in and sit down.

It happened that there were only him and Sarah in the "home" at this time, Zou Ming went out again, and Cao'er had to go to work.

"You don't need to change your shoes." Ye Zhou said to the two people who bent over to take off their shoes after entering.

He'd rather clean up after they're gone than smell his feet.

It was the first time for Zhao Qing to enter Ye Zhou's residence. Although he knew that Ye Zhou had spent a lot of money to renovate the house, he was still shocked when he first came in. Not only because of the air conditioning and decoration, but more importantly, the placement of There are many green plants.

Even in the richest bases, the transformed soil will be used to grow food instead of green plants.

Such a few green plants just look good, without any practical value, and the price is ridiculously expensive. The most extravagant base rulers can use ice and water at will, but they will not use improved soil at will.

"Sit down, I'll get you some water." Ye Zhou took them to the living room. Sarah, who was sitting on the sofa watching cartoons, turned off the projector, and after looking at Zhao Qing and Zhao Lei, Sarah said "Boss, I'll go."

Ye Zhou didn't refuse, but he didn't treat Sarah as a real child just because of her appearance.

On the other hand, Zhao Qing gave Ye Zhou a strange look - he thought Ye Zhou didn't need to let the "children" work.

But Zhao Qing quickly figured it out, if Ye Zhou was a completely good person, he probably wouldn't have such a family background.

Maybe Ye Zhou has done more vicious things than him before.

Only those with capital can afford such a heavy "kindness".

Zhao Lei didn't speak the whole time, but his face was not very good-looking, and his eyes were always on the decoration of the house.

"I brought him here this time to apologize to you." Zhao Qing looked at Ye Zhou sincerely, "He has a bad temper and is straight, but he is not bad." Zhao Qing glanced at

Zhao Lei: "This time he came mainly because he wanted to buy something."

Ye Zhou took the water glass from Sarah. Sarah didn't make tea, she only brought three cups of boiled water, but neither Zhao Qing nor Zhao Lei felt that they were underestimated. Zhao Lei drank most of the glass in one go, and then said to Ye Zhou: "I need water." "

Our previous agreement was not to sell water to anyone other than you." Ye Zhou looked at Zhao Qing, he knew Zhao Qing What Qing wanted to do, but he did not resist making it difficult for Zhao Qing, "If I sell water to him, do you violate the contract or do I violate it?"

Ye Zhou said with a smile, "Why don't you buy water from me ?" , divide it up or sell it to him? This is neither a violation of the contract nor troublesome."

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