Chapter 170

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Chapter 170

Ye Zhou didn't expect that he would arrive before Zou Ming and Wu Yan. He set off after learning what had happened from Aunt Li - but unfortunately, he got lost.

From birth to yesterday, Ye Zhou thought he had a good sense of direction.

Friends and classmates don't need to remember the way when they travel with him. Ye Zhou can remember it firmly as long as he walks through it once, and he has never made a mistake.

So he took it for granted that he would not get lost this time, even at night.

After all, the road will not change even at night. Just in case, Ye Zhou not only took a gun, but also wore night vision contact lenses.

When he found himself lost, Ye Zhou was already deep in the woods. He had no choice but to find a direction and continue walking. If he couldn't get out in two hours and couldn't find his way, Ye Zhou was going to stay where he was Wait for dawn.

Fortunately, he hadn't walked for long before he saw Cao'er standing in the dark and the thugs not far from Cao'er.

He could see someone crawling and approaching Cao'er from the side, but it was impossible for Cao'er without any night vision equipment to see clearly.

The rustling of grass leaves made by the man crawling was also covered by the chirping of insects and the whirling of grass and trees when the wind moved them.

Ye Zhou fired a shot almost subconsciously, but after he fired the shot, he almost sat on the ground due to the recoil, and swayed a few times before he stabilized his body. He took the gun from the warehouse casually, and it was one of the guns used by the Luoyang base to pay off debts.

The problem is that this gun was originally a defective product.

But Ye Zhou didn't want to expose his "weakness" to the employees, so he smiled at Cao'er: "Leave one."

After these words came out, Cao'er and Zhou Wen immediately found the backbone, and Ye Zhou also threw them two night vision goggles, but they were not invisible, just put them on the bridge of their noses.

Ye Zhou reloaded the bullet, and he set up the gun. This time, the gun was aimed at the blond man lying on the ground.

The evening wind was blowing in the crowd, and the thugs seemed to be reacting at this moment. They were unable to fight against the three people who suddenly appeared. They had strangely loud and powerful force in their hands. The contempt for women just now made them Illusions of self-defense.

But now, the illusion was dispelled by fear and disappeared without a trace.

This time Ye Zhou didn't kill him. He aimed at the man's calf in the grass and shot him without hesitation.

After the gunshot, Ye Zhou looked around: "Anyone who doesn't want to die, get down!"

Someone squatted down tremblingly, and it took a few seconds before he slowly fell down on the ground.

Ye Zhou shouted again: "People in the house don't come out!"

Fortunately, the family in the house never thought of opening the door to go out from the beginning to the end. They didn't recognize Ye Zhou's voice, but they heard Cao'er's voice before , Even if they don't know what's going on outside the house, their intuition tells them that there is danger outside the house.

Cao'er and Zhou Wen, who were wearing night vision glasses, stopped panicking after they could see their surroundings clearly.

Cao'er turned her head to look at Ye Zhou who was walking towards her with a gun. She didn't realize that her voice had become full of dependence: "Immortal, what should I do with these people?"

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