Chapter 176

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Chapter 176

"Not for sale?!" There was a sudden explosion on the top floor of the tall building.

More than a dozen strong men lowered their heads, looking at their noses, noses, and hearts, as if they were dumb.

Only Zhao Qing stood up, his face flushed red with anger, and he didn't know what to say. After taking a few breaths, he angrily kicked the nearest person. After kicking, he calmed down. The blood streaks also gradually faded away.

Soon, Zhao Qing returned to his calm and composed appearance.

"No, there must be some reason." Zhao Qing quickly thought of the base called the supermarket.

More than 300 years have passed since the war, most of the books have been destroyed, and only some bases still retain the fruits of human civilization in the past, so Zhao Qing doesn't know what a supermarket is.

The thing, even the concept, of the supermarket has disappeared.

Zhao Qing thought that Longqing Supermarket was the name of that peculiar base, and he said blankly: "Get ready, and make another trip." He thought that he could

rest easy if he held the handle of the other party in his hands, but he didn't expect the other party to not Come to him and bow your head, let alone give in, the other party directly cut his back.

The problem is that although Zhao Qing knew that the other party might do this, there was nothing he could do about it. Hongtian Base and him were just a business relationship, and there was no deep friendship between them. He knew very well that even if he showed all his sincerity, Hongtian would definitely I will not promise not to do business with Longsheng.

After all, water and salt are indispensable for people to live.

Even if Hongtian was not short of water, how could he not be short of salt? Even if they were not short of salt, they would always be short of food and cloth.

No matter what, it was something Zhao Qing couldn't provide to them. What Zhao Qing could give now was human beings.

But even if it is a human, 276 is not enough by itself, let alone replaced.

In the final analysis, there are still insufficient resources. Without resources, others will not take him seriously. 276 cannot beat Hongtian. Half a child in Hongtian can be equipped with a gun. 276 does not have this condition.

Zhao Qing knew that he should bow his head at this time, but he didn't feel that he had lost. After a brief moment of anger, Zhao Qing found two subordinates who were fairly flexible, and after driving the others out, he discussed with them.

Now that you have decided to bow your head, you must ensure that you can maximize your interests.

"I still don't know who they want, but it should be either a woman or a child." Zhao Qing sat on the sofa while the other two stood. Zhao Qing continued, "What we can trade with them now is people. But who, who, these have to be picked, and it is best to send the person they want in the end."

He wants to get all the benefits before letting the other party get what they want.

In this way, the other party has face, and he has gained face. Although this is still a bit of a loss, it is generally profitable.

The other two also had their own opinions. They first looked at Zhao Qing's face, and after seeing that Zhao Qing was still talking, they said, "Actually, I don't think there is any need to send someone there.

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