Chapter 76

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Chapter 76

The sun fell on his body, and Ye Zhou walked on the path in the mountains and forests. Fortunately, the temperature was not too high, so he didn't feel that hot.

During the day, Ye Zhou wasn't going to show up in front of the slaves - they thought he was the moon god, so they found him an identity and set a character design for him, so he can continue to act according to this character design.

It's still morning, and it's still too far away from night. After discussing it with Zou Ming, they decided to go down the mountain to have a look.

There are villages down the mountain.

It may be because it is too far away from the country's administrative center. Looking from the mountain, there are only scattered houses on the large land, and the largest building complex is only two streets. Ye Zhou didn't even see any businessmen when he looked over. people.

The houses are all wooden dwellings, but they have nothing to do with the rural cottages that modern people fantasize about.

The wooden houses are simpler and simpler than the next one. Ye Zhou looked over with a telescope, and all he saw were wooden boards with air leaks and roofs that could never keep out the rain. These wooden houses seemed to have been persecuted by natural disasters over and over again, which made people worry that they were Not really able to live in people.

Because their looks really couldn't fit into the indigenous group, even if Ye Zhou went down the mountain, he could only observe from a distance.

There are sporadic farmers working in the fields, and there are large farmlands there, but manpower is limited, there are no cattle and mules, and people can only cultivate the land with the most primitive methods.

This place is even poorer than the Liang Dynasty.

The people in the Liang Dynasty were displaced because of natural disasters. If there were no natural disasters, they would be richer than the people here in terms of material conditions.

Cao'er's natal family is so poor, and the tax and rent are so high, they can still buy a red-headed rope.

People here don't even have a place to buy hair ropes.

Red-headed rope is not as simple as a rope, but people have the pursuit of beauty in addition to food and clothing, and can trade freely. Although it is a very small business, a market has formed among the people.

And here, it obviously doesn't look like there is a market.

But the land in front of me is vast and sparsely populated, and there are not enough people. The benefits that the land can bring to people are limited.

The land cannot be reaped by sowing seeds. It needs to be plowed, fertilized, and dewormed.

If there are droughts and floods in this year and there is no good harvest of food, people will starve to death in the coming year.

Looking at the sky to eat, the blood, tears and sweat of farmers are all concentrated in these four words.

Ye Zhou could see the ragged farmers plowing the fields, and the child was tied to a tree on one side with a straw rope. Ye Zhou could even see the child reaching out to grab the bugs that crawled past him, and he just stuffed it like that. In the mouth, the parents didn't even see it.

When he saw the child picking up the stone, he was worried that he would swallow the stone!

Fortunately, the child just put the stone near his mouth and licked it, but didn't stuff it into his mouth.

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